Beverages, art

At a time when only subsided campaign against drinking and alcoholism, the publication of the book "The Art of making home-made wines, cordials, Russian vodka, honey, brought down, beer, brew kapitkov" may seem very strange. We all took part in the creation of this book, we believe that it is better to drink good house wine than the surrogates that are all very well, the reader will notice, but where is it from? But in doing so, we just want to help my book.

Only one comment on the use of the book. No need to treat it simply as a collection of recipes. First of all

Please read the whole book, it will take quite a bit of time, but you will understand the basic technological principles

preparation of your kind of drinks.

When you read the whole book, then with full understanding choose what you most want to have in your

cellar or home bar.

We wish you success in the preparation and enjoyment in


Fruit and berry wine relatively easy to get at home. For wine can be used

apples, rowan, cherry, gooseberry, currant (white, red and black), raspberries. Fruits pears, cherries, plums, apricots and

strawberries are less valuable for home winemaking.

Some varieties of fruits and berries make high quality wines, and others - low.

Cultivars of apples in the middle lane of the Soviet Union are most suitable for winemaking; Antonovka, Grushovka,

Shtreyfling, Bellefleur-Kitaika, Saffron Pippin, in the southern regions - Group rennets: Calvil snow, Wagner prize.

Good quality wines make small-fruited apples-nankeen.

Summer apples and sour varieties are unsuitable for wine. Not recommended as cooking wine from the fruit with a green

skin: they give an almost colorless wine.

Of mountain ash best in quality wine gives Nezhinskaya and Chokeberry. Good quality wine gives wood ash, collected

late autumn, after the very first frost.

Cherries best varieties for winemaking: Vladimir, Lyubskaya, Shubinka, consumer goods black Anadol. Of them is obtained

excellent fragrant thick dark wine-red color. These lightly colored varieties like pink Morel, English, early and they

these are less suitable for the production of wine. They give wine sparsely pale pink and pale red.

Aromatic wines pleasant crimson raspberry varieties obtained from: The news Kuzmin Seedling Spirin, Latham, Usanka,

King ..

Of all the varieties of black, red and white currants are prepared tablespoons good dry and sweet wines.

Very, good wine, taste and aroma reminiscent of grape, beautiful greenish or golden-yellow color

obtained from gooseberries. Most varieties of gooseberry can be used for making wine.

At home, the most available to prepare: white table wine - from the juice of apples, gooseberries or white currants;

pink table - a mixture of different juices (apples, gooseberries, white currants, cherries, red currants and raspberries);

table red, a blend of various juices with a predominance of dark-colored (black currant, cherry, and dark-colored

cherries) strong - from apples and mountain ash, sweet - cherry, raspberry, strawberry, red and black currants.


Fruit wines

The room in which will be made of fruit and berries and implement fermentation juice, must be clean,

used utensils and containers - disinfected. Tableware disinfection is as follows: Cutting

steamed, washed with a solution of caustic soda (1.2%). treated with a solution of manganese-acid potassium. After

disinfecting utensils thoroughly washed with water.

Utensils used should be acid (enamel, glass, wood, etc.). In order to avoid enrichment of wine

metals, the use of aluminum, iron, zinc or copper cookware is not allowed.

Fruits and berries must be harvested at the stage of technical maturity. Unripe fruits and berries have a lower yield of juice weak

coloring with less flavor. Overripe fruit juice and berries contain a lot of soluble pectin, so that

has a high viscosity and hard pressed.

Collected fruits and berries should not "be stored for a longer time than that: for strawberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries - 6

hours: for cherry, blueberry, currant red and white - 12 hours for plums, gooseberries, black currants - 24 hours, and for apples

- 2 days. Frozen fruit and berry raw materials can be stored for the whole year.

For the preparation of wine can not use moldy and rotten fruits and berries. The presence of even a small

The bad fruit and berries and juice gives wine a taste of rot, reducing their quality. Therefore, collected fruits and berries

are sorted before processing. Removes damaged fruits and berries,

foreign material (leaves, twigs and other rubbish). selected after sorting and culling fruit

thoroughly washed under running cold water (raspberries and strawberries washed before separation of sepals, plunging

them in the sieve into the water), mince or crush in a saucepan wooden pestle. The resulting mass is pressed -

squeeze the juice in a small manual screw press or special sokovyzhimatele. To this end, crushed fruit

placed in a bag or a cloth of coarse, but durable fabric, put a basket press, round wooden cover

cover press and gradually turn the screw until the first jets of juice. Once the juice stops flowing, the screw again

turn. This continues for as long as did not have cut off the juice. Be pressed slowly and


When pressing a large number of fruit (10-15 kg) may be the second-pressed juice. To do this, wrung out a lot

press add a little boiling water (1 liter per 10 kg wrung mass), heat, stirring all the mass in the pelvis, to the temperature

70-80 °, in any case, not boiling. Warm mash is put into the bag again and again pressed.

Most important is the rate of extraction. With the rapid extraction detained ¬ ALIVE out of juice and it becomes cloudy. However, too slow

Spin is also undesirable, as this in the pulp and juice of the microorganisms in the air fall, and the juice begins to ferment and turn sour.

Duration of pressing at the double extraction should be equal to about 45 minutes.

Some berries, such as currants, rich in pectin (jelly or jelly) substances, the juice from the pulp of fresh

berries harder pressing, the juice turns out not more than 25-30%. In the fermented mash is under the influence of pectin

produced alcohol precipitated, and mash lightly pressed. Juice yield will be increased by 2-3 times. To this end,

neotzhatuyu pulp can add a bit of water (half the number to the volume of pulp) and sugar at the rate of I kg of fiber per 100 g of sugar.

For better squeezing juice from the pulp ee'nado leave for two or three or four days in a pot at 20 °. During this

available at the time of the fruit and spores from the air trapped wild yeast fermentation cause pulp. On the surface it will

mass of bubbles like foam, which indicates the beginning of fermentation.

Fermented mash squeeze on the hand screw press or just your hands in a colander with a pan-meshoch-

ka. Pouches sewn from loose matter-double cheesecloth or burlap.

Wrung pulp spread back into the empty barrel and fill with water. Water may be equal to the number of pressed

juice or half the amount. The pulp is exposed to water and again stir well kept two or three days. Water from

pomace extract the remaining sugar, acids, dyes, tannins, aromatic and other valuable substances. First pressed juice

this period should be stored in a cool place, cover the opening of the vessel with a cotton plug or tying it with a clean cloth. After

Exposure mash it up again and squeezed the juice is mixed with the first.

Usually the juice thus obtained are particles of pulp, so it should be filtered through a cone-shaped

linen or wool bag. But this does not apply to the juice of apricots, filtering reinforced by his taste and

changing the natural color.

Fresh fruits and berries typically contain much more acid, and sugar is less than the required dlya.polucheniya good

harmonious and sustainable wines some of the fortress.

Natural fruit wines contain from 0.7 to 1% acid, which is achieved by diluting the juice first second,

obtained by pouring water pulp. Acidity decreases and the dilution of acid or slightly acid juice sour.

For example, pear, plum or Ranetok juices and apple juice diluted with magnolia black currant, gooseberry.

From the practice of wine making known that to produce 1 ° alcohol in one liter of juice should be not less than 17 grams of sugar. Most

fruits and berries does not contain enough sugar for sustainable wine, so the juice before fermentation to it

add sugar. This takes into account - that the power of yeast in the juice and to build their cells is 5-6 percent sugar.

They make the rest of the sugar into alcohol, carbonic acid and other by-products of fermentation.

In the manufacture of wine from fruit and berries is established by approximate norms add water and juice

sugars, which are provided in Appendix 1. In addition to sugar for preparation of natural juices and wines, you can use honey,

which is taken from such a calculation, as well as sugar. Honey can be added to the juice and mix with sugar. For example, the first

filling juice made with honey, and the second - with sugar, or vice versa.

Prepared by fermenting a mixture of juice, water and sugar or honey is called sweet wort. The sugar in the wort can be put

anyone except refined, as it contained ultramarine retards the fermentation process.

Mash barrels or bottles filled only three-quarters of their capacity, or when rapid fermentation foams and flows.

After 5-10 days, when some of the sugar in the must ferment, add a second portion of sugar or honey. To do this, the fermentation

vessel is cast in a different part of the juice 'dishes, sugar (second portion) is well dissolved in it, and then the juice is poured back

mixing it period remaining in the vessel. It must be sure that the outside walls of the bottle or barrel had no juice.

Spilled juice should wash immediately and thoroughly clean the vessel. On spilled juice fast developing acetic bacteria which

getting into the fermenting wort, spoil the wine.

Tightly sealed containers filled with fermenting wort is impossible, as the resulting carbon dioxide without going outside can break

barrel or bottle. Through a cotton plug free carbon dioxide leaves, and fall out of the air microorganisms trapped in it.

After the second refueling wort sugar or honey bottle or barrel to close the fermentation tongue. The device is very tongue

simple. In a clean, scalded with boiling water tube, drill a hole the same diameter as the rubber (pharmacy) or

U-shaped glass tube. In opened braid insert the tube, and the fermentation is ready tongue. They silenced bottle neck

or bore barrels. The outer end of the tube is immersed in a glass of water-completed or half-liter jar. You can at

the neck of the bottle or container to hang a bottle of water and a lower end of the tube. The place of the tube with a tube and

edges of the vessel should pour wax, paraffin, and simply paint over clay. Air to get into the vessel can not, carbon dioxide, while

fermenting, will always go out of the socket through the water in the form of bubbles. Such a device is called a water lock.

Practice found that better quality wine obtained by fermentation of a moderate, at constant temperature 15-20 ° and

frequent airing of the premises produced carbon dioxide. Under normal circumstances, the rapid fermentation of wort continues

10-15 days, and then it slows down and becomes quiet, which continued for 14-20 days. During slow fermentation

the entire period of fermentation is stretched to 1.5-2 months. In such cases, when the fermentation process is generally slow and

imperceptibly, you have to be strengthened. Enhance the special yeast fermentation of wild fruit, wine or cultural


Preparation of wine yeast on raisins

Wine yeast is prepared as follows: take 150-200 g raisins white, pour into a bottle, add 50-60 grams of sugar and

Pour lukewarm water up to three-quarters of the volume. The bottle is then caulk loose cotton plug and put in a warm place.

After 3-4 days the starter is ready, it is poured and the must.

Cultures of wild fruit or berries to make leaps and bounds, too easy. To do this, svezherazdelannuyu strawberry, cherry or

grape pulp add sugar at the rate of 100 g per 1 kg of berries and stir well to dissolve the sugar. Pulp should

be in a glass or enamel pot, covered with cheesecloth to keep insects were rapidly emerging during fermentation

juice. In a warm place at 18-20 ° for 2-3 days marc wild yeast ferment well. After that, through its

bag or a colander and squeeze squeezed juice is added to the wort with low fermentation.

Fresh yeast, especially wine, more vigorously fermented sugar and able to withstand the accumulation of alcohol in the wine to 16-17 ° and

even 18-19 °. The fermentation of sugar wine yeast produce specific smelling substances, so-called noble

esters, which give the wine a pleasant smell. Accumulation of precious esters is particularly intense with age

wines, winemakers said, "when will develop flavor" that is specifically delicate flavor and aroma. Therefore, in the wine better

drink wine yeast. Bread and beer yeast to use is not recommended, since they only ispori tyat wine.

Consumption of wine yeast 150ml to 10 liters of wort.

With a weak fermentation in the juice collected from 7 to 10-12 ° alcohol. These wines are of low-and volatile, with

adverse storage conditions, they can quickly become moldy, sour or ferment again. In normal fermentation

will be stable wine fortress at 14 ° and is robust - in the 16-17 °.

The wines that are produced by vybrazhivaniya all the sugar in the wort, called dry. Dry wines should contain no more than

0.7-0.8% acidity. In the acidity of the dry wines are too harsh and unpleasant to the taste. For

very low pH acidic juices mixed (blended) with weakly acid. Wine of the highly diluted juice

turns malokonstruktivnym - empty. When blending juice acidity is reduced without compromising the extract content of wine.

With the accumulation of 14-16 in the juice or 17 ° alcohol fermentation ends and the evolution of gas ceases. Yeast and other impurities under

the influence of the concentration of alcohol precipitate, even if there is still wort sugars. Fermented new wine

Brightening begins to form on the bottom of the container or barrel dense sediment.

After complete clarification the wine should immediately drained from the sediment into another bottle with a rubber tube, as sediment

begins to rapidly decompose and spoil the taste and smell of wine, while the wine is filtered. Do it like this: a bottle of wine, put on

table or chair, and empty bottles - on the floor, in the bottle, the wine is poured into which is inserted a funnel with a filter of dense net


To improve the taste of the young but sour wine, you can add 50-100 grams of sugar per one liter of wine.

Sugared wine is left on aging in a cool place (cellar, basement, etc.) for 3-4 months.

After filtration, the wine is left in these bottles or bottled. Bottled in bottles or wine bottle cork

cork and pour wax. Plugs can be cast as tallow, melting for this candle.

Stored fruit wines to use in a dark room (as under light zmenyayut wine its color) at

temperature above 15 degrees and below 30 degrees.

Preparation of individual types of wine

Any wines are best prepared from mixtures of juices: Mixing juice improves the color and flavor of wine. In most wines

desirable to add a small amount of juice from the fruits of mountain ash or pears. These juices contain a lot of tannins,

making better wines are clarified and acquire some astringency.

Wines made from one type of juice or with additions of other species, but not more than 20% are called species. A wine

made from a mixture of different juices in any proportions, called blended.

By adjusting the strength of wine and sugar content in it, you may get the following wines:

sweet - 10-13% alcohol, sugar, 5-8%;

sweet - Alcohol 16%, 12-18% sugar;

strong - 16-18% alcohol, sugar, 7-10%;

liquor - alcohol 12-17%, 19-30% sugar.

Several recipes juice blends or already fermented wine (in percent) for the preparation

Blended wines

1. Apple - 40

Strawberry - 20

Blueberry - 10

Krasnosmorodinovy ​​- 10

Ash -10

Cherry -5

Infusion of raisins - 5 (for all recipes)

2. Blackcurrant - 50

Krasnosmorodinovy ​​- 30

Blueberry -20

Water and sugar

3. Cherry -50

Krasnosmorodinovy ​​- 20

Blueberry - 20

Water and sugar

4. Apple -50

Ash -25

Strawberry -15

Kryzhovnikovy -10

Honey - 1 kg per 100 liters

Water and sugar

5. Apple - 50

Blackcurrant -20

Krasnosmorodinovy ​​-20

Blueberry -10

Water and sugar

Note. Water and sugar - to the general principles of reducing the acidity and sugar content increases.

Below is a recipe cooking major types of wine with the most affordable and easiest ways to mix

juices. The calculations are made to produce 100 liters of wine. To get a smaller amount of wine all the components in proportion


White table wine made from unpainted juices (apple, and belosmorodinovogo kryzhovnikovogo), preferably with a

the addition of up to 10% rowan juice). For cider takes 90 liters of juice, 3 liters of water and 12 kg of sugar, for belosmorodinovogo - 60 l

juice, 33 liters of water and 11 kg of sugar, for kryzhovnikovogo - 40 liters of juice, 54 liters of water and 12 kg of sugar. Juice mixed with water and carefully

stir, then add the sugar and dissolve it. After adding sugar wort poured bottle and injected culture

¬ GOVERNMENTAL wine yeast. Fermentation is 7-8 days at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° to the complete fermentation of sugar. At the end of

fermentation the wine is filtered and poured into bottles. The bottles are sealed and put wine for aging. After 40-50 days, the wine is ready

for consumption. The longer the wine is stored, the better.

The wine must have a color from straw yellow to amber, has the aroma of apples and berries and a pleasant acidity.

Table rose wine is prepared from a mixture of belookrashennyh juices (apple, and belosmorodinovy ​​kryzhovnikovy) with

raspberry and mountain ash.

Wine is made in the same way as white. The wine should be a light pink color with the aroma of apples and raspberries and pleasant

refreshing acidity.

Wort for this type of wine is prepared by the following recipes: (table available in the electronic version of the book format fb2).

Table red wine made from some dark-colored juice or a mixture of them with colorless juice. Most

possible mixtures for preparation of the wort are listed below.

Wine is made in the same way as the white table. Table red wine must be dark ruby, with the scent of apples and cherries or

blackcurrant, with pleasant acidity and strength of 10 °.

Apple strong wine prepared from apple juice with him a small amount of juice for better rowan

clarification of wine. Usually a good good wine is obtained by the following ratio of juices: '90%

apple and 10% of rowan. To obtain 63 liters of wort take apple juice, better

autumn or winter varieties of apples, rowan 7 liters of juice, 25 kg of sugar and 15 liters of water.

In the absence of rowan juice take 80 liters of apple and add 21 kg of sugar and 8 liters of water. After thorough mixing the juice with

water and dissolve the sugar in the wort is poured into the bottle and give it to ferment, making the prepared culture of wine yeast.

Fermentation lasts 7-10 days. The result is a wine with an alcohol 10-11 °.

To bring the fort to 16 ° wine Alcohol: 100 liters of wine take 10 liters of vodka. Spread evenly on the vodka bottle and

thoroughly mixed with the wine.

Cider should be golden, refreshing pleasant sweet-sour taste with the flavor of fresh.


Ryabinovoye strong wine. Ryabinovoye good wine is obtained by adding to the Ashberry juice 20% apple juice from autumn

or winter varieties of apples. For the preparation of 36 liters of wort take rowan juice, apple 9 liters, 40 liters of water and 25 kg of sugar. Prepare it as

like apple wine.

Ryabinovoye wine should have a light yellow color with brownish tinge, slightly tart taste with a pleasant bitterness.

Sweet Cherry Wine is made from cherry juice made from very ripe grapes. To prepare 100 liters of wort

take 70 liters of cherry juice, 1b liters of water and 24 kg of sugar, and 2 / s specified amount of sugar that is 16 kg was added to the wort before

fermentation, and the remaining 8 kg - after fermentation and fortification.

Prepared to put the mash fermentation, in giving him a prepared culture of wine yeast. Fermentation lasts 7-10

days. At the end of fermentation the wine alcohol. 100 liters of wine take 10 liters of vodka. Wine mixed thoroughly until Veselka

uniform strength and held for five days, after which it is filtered, add the rest of the sugar and pour in

bottle. Cherry wine must be dark cherry flavor with fresh cherry fruit and a slightly astringent taste.

Sweet Raspberry Wine is made from a single

raspberry juice. Wort takes 60 liters of raspberry Hawk

26 liters of water and 24 kg of sugar. Wine is made and alcohol as

like sweet cherry wine. The wine should be

crimson color with pleasant acidity and aroma of fresh berries.

Sweet blackcurrant wine. For preparing,

tion takes 50 liters of wort blackcurrant juice, 35 liters of water and 24 kg of sugar. Prepare the same as cherry wine. Currant wine

should be a ruby ​​color with the aroma of fresh black currant.

Krasnosmorodinovoe sweet wine. Best krasnosmorodinovoe wine is obtained from varieties currant Options


To prepare 100 liters of wort takes 40 liters krasnosmoro-

Dinov juice, 45 liters of water, 24 kg of sugar. Wine is made in the same way as the cherry. The wine from the variety Varshevich dark red color of

other varieties - light red to pink. Taste sweet and sour, refreshing.

Sweet strawberry wine due to the difficulty extracting the juice from the berries and the lack of sustainability of wine during the storage of finished

relatively rare. However, when a large harvest strawberries can be processed as the wine.

For the preparation of the must take 80 liters of strawberry juice, 5 liters of water and 24 kg of sugar. In what wine is made in the same way as other

sweet berry wine.

Strawberry wine should be red with pink and delicate strawberry flavor.

Preparation of honey wine

Preparation of honey wine consists of the following processes: making full, yeast, fermentation and clarification are full of wine.

Preparation full. The best conditions for the development of

yeast and the accumulation of alcohol in wine are created,

if for every 10 liters of water taken 6-7 kg of honey. From such a

fed can get wine strength 19-20 °. If desired

Indeed more sweet and less strong wine at each

Dyje 10 liters of water take 10 kg of honey, and for lung

refreshing wine - 3 kg of honey.

Sytu can prepare cold and hot, cold way of honey dissolved in ostuzhennoy just boiling water,

Veselka stirring, and the hot-sytu boil for half an hour on a light fire in the enamel

ware 'removing the foam. Boiling kills foreign microorganisms, resulting in cultural wine yeast developed in

pure form and give more spirit. For home-made wine is preferable to cold

way since its move into the wine, many valuable parts of honey, decomposed by boiling. To add syte

citric or tartaric acid at the rate of 1 gram per liter full. Also desirable to add 0.3 grams of ammonium chloride

per liter. Both pre-dissolved in water and poured into sytu apart.

Ready sytu poured in fermentation dishes - a large bottle or keg. Utensils should be immaculately clean (barrel

pre-soaked with a solution of soda). Sytu pouring, it was filtered through cotton or flannel. Dishes not topped up to 1/4

height, as the fermentation volume fed increases.

Sourdough full. If fed cooked cold way, even without artificial ferment it happens fermentation

due to natural yeasts present in the honey. But the result will be better if you make the cultural ferment of fresh yeast

(For it is always cooked well fed). 50-100 l fed enough 50 g of yeast. Yeast ground in a porcelain dish,

Pour fed and put in a warm place. A few hours later, when the starter vigorously ferment, it is poured into a fermentation dishes

sytu and mix thoroughly.

Fermentation fed requires smooth temperature of 20 ° Celsius. Not be cooled below its 15 and heat above 30 °. The period of fermentation

the bottle or barrel bore close loose wad of cotton or canvas shrouded that was free from the vessel

go carbon dioxide. Duration of fermentation depends on the density and temperature are fed. Usually it takes about

three weeks. Goes first rapid fermentation, which fed bubbling and hissing heard bubbles of carbon dioxide. Then

fermentation weakens and eventually stops.

Clarification of wine. With the termination of significant fermentation the wine is transferred to a cold room with a temperature of about 10 °. Here it is

settles, and after 1-2 weeks, when the drink will become clear, it is separated from the sediment. Wine is poured very carefully for

He dipped it in a rubber tube and attach it so that the end did not reach the layer of sediment. Through the other end of the tube

suck wine and drop this end into an empty clean bottle, supplied below the fermentation vessel. Wine by gravity

enter a new dish. Within a few months. Fault is barely noticeable precipitation, so we must wait

definitive clarification of the drink and once again pour it into a clean container. New, crystal clear wine is poured in


bottle cork, fill them with wax or paraffin and stored in the cellar until use.

Vermouth - flavored wine

Vermouth - is blending dessert wine, flavored liqueur from various herbs. For cooking it at home

conditions conveniently procure raw wine separately and mix them after removing the wort with yeast as described for

cooking blended wines. Vermouth is white and red, depending on the

its member wine. Prepare for vermouth wine materials according to the scheme provided for dessert wine.

Red vermouth

Ingredients: Cranberry wine material - 3 liters

Blueberry - 7 l

tincture of herbs - 1 tsp

White vermouth

Ingredients: apple wine material - 8 L

Rowan wild stuff - 2 L

tincture of herbs - 1 tsp

After blending vermouth is poured into bottles to half the height of the bottle, sealed and allowed to stand. After 3 weeks

ready vermouth normally bottled.

Preparation fragrant liqueur for vermouth.

Tincture of herbs cooked on vodka. At 250 grams of vodka is added 4 g of yarrow, 3 g of cinnamon, 3 grams of mint, 1 g of nutmeg, 2 g

cardamom, saffron, 1 g and 3 g of wormwood. You can use a different combination of herbs of thyme, Bogorodskaya grass roots violets

fragrant sage. Herbs chopped, placed in a bottle of vodka and give brew during 1 week, daily


Vitamin wine from the hips.

A somewhat different method of preparing wine hips.

In fact it is not even quite right to call the wine as a drink consumed, without waiting for the expansion of sugar, and

It contains a small percentage of alcohol, but it is a light wine is rich in active yeast and vitamins, in addition, the right

cooked, has a wonderful taste, so we still recommend it


Peremoyte hips and put it in a glass bottle. Cook the syrup, according to the following ratio: 1 kg

400 g fresh or dried crushed berries 500 g sugar, b-7 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Syrup cool to

temperature of 20 °, pour into a bottle and add 5-10 g of baker's yeast. Balloon leave at room temperature.

After 4-6 days, when the drink gets a nice tart taste, filter the wine through a cloth, bottle and

Zakuporte tightly. Bottles should be stored in a cool place.

If you have the opportunity to block the wine from the hips in a champagne bottle tightly (preferably screwed plugs

wire), add additional in each bottle for 1 teaspoon of sugar, and then the fermentation will continue.

Emit carbon dioxide will become a cold soda, but once again warn you make sure that it knocked the cork or even

tore itself bottle. For extra safety, such bottles should be stored on the neck buried in the sand.

Apple cider (apple champagne)

Cider - light refreshing natural beverage obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of apple juice. Compared with wine

cider contains 2-2.5 times less alcohol (5.7% by volume) and saturated with carbon dioxide. There are three types of cider: dry (0.3% glucose);

Semi-dry, containing 5% sugar, and sweet with 10% sugar.

By way of carbonation distinguish cider effervescent and bubbly.

Sparkling cider is saturated with carbon dioxide using avtosifona or saturator, as well as soft drinks. In the sparkling

cider carbon dioxide accumulates during the second fermentation in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature of 10-12 °.

For cider quality take the most fragrant varieties of apples later. Fruits harvested at the stage of a removable

maturity. These apples contain more sugar and tannins and less acid than fruits taken neadozrelymi. In addition,

beverage made from these fruits, has good color, has a distinct aroma and flavor. More fragrant

obtained from cider apples ripened on the tree.

Cider of the early varieties of apples pleasant to taste, but is unstable in storage maloaromaten and is suitable for use in the

short time. This lack of a degree can be eliminated by adding more sour apple juice.

Cider from the unripe fruit has a mild flavor, pale color and difficult to clarification.

The quality of cider also affects the value of the fruit. Cider is produced from small-fruited varieties of apples, more fragrant than

some of the major varieties.

Preparation of each cider (sparkling wine, sparkling) consists of two stages. First, they prepare a dry cider,

containing 5-7% (by volume) alcohol, which is called cider material. Then, from a cook cider.

Preparation of sparkling cider.

Prepared material podsaharivayut cider (semi-sweet cider to give 50, and for the sweet - 100 g / l sugar), filtered and

saturated with carbon dioxide. Filtering is done by the method described above (see the production of fruit wine).

At home, the cider is saturated with carbon dioxide avtosifona. Immediately before use cider cool

to 0-2 ° and fill, they avtosifon. Saturation of the carbon dioxide produced cider on the instructions that came with the avtosifonu.

Preparation of sparkling cider

For sparkling cider made from the material of natural apple juice above varieties of apples with no added sugar. Way

fermentation, removal from the sediment, sedimentation and clarification are the same as described above (see the production of fruit

wine). Filmed with sludge and clarified cider material added sugar at the rate of 22 g / L and filtered through a filter bag.

At the same time prepare the culture of cold-resistant yeast that can ferment the wort at 8-10 °.

Prepared in this manner (podsaharenny and filtered) added material culture of wine cool-

Yeast rate of 0.5 l of yeast on 10-12 liters cider material. To speed up the yeast is recommended to add nitric

fertilizer in the form of ammonium carbonate (7r teaspoon per 10 liters of wort). This drug can be purchased in stores chemicals.

The finished wort is poured into pre-prepared bottles of champagne in a glass or plastic cup,

covered with gauze, which retained all the gross turn, accidentally caught in the wort. Bottles sealed with corks

follow-up of a soft wire or strong cord.

Corked bottle is placed on its side and leave for 2-3 days at room temperature in order to speed up the fermentation process. Then

bottle poured into a basement or cellar, where it will be maturation wort at 10-12 °. Duration

fermentation can take up to two months. After two weeks of zabrazhivaniya wort bottled contents of their slightly shaken and

put the bottle upside down. Receiving this sediment on the cork. However, not all the sediment moves to the stopper, and

some of it settles on the shoulders of the bottle. To move around the cake jam, every 2-3 days with light

Turn to the right and to the left a bottle vstrya ¬ Khiva until moving sediment on the cork.

Complete the process of making cider removing sediment and sweeten the drink. Dry cider is not sweetened, and semi-dry and

sweet sweeten Prefab expedition liquor containing 70% sugar. Liquor prepared as follows: 0.8 l

cider material dissolve 1 kg of sugar, for which the mixture is stirred until the sugar is dissolved and filtered through

boiled in water cheesecloth, folded in half. In the filtered liquor, 0.5 cups (100 mL) brandy. All should

received 1.5 liters of liquor.

For the preparation of semi-dry cider in each bottle of champagne was added 60 ml of liquor, and for the sweet - 120


To reduce the loss of cider in removing yeast sediment displaced by the cork, it is recommended to drink cool

freezer home refrigerator or place the bottle for 10-15 minutes. in snow and ice. The precipitate was removed following

reception. Supporting the bottle upside down with his left hand, the right release wire, anchored cork in the bottle.

The index finger of his left hand supports plug. Freed from the wire, the bottle is slightly raised

up in such a way that the pressure of carbon dioxide was opposed walls of the bottle and the cork under gas pressure with

lees jumped with noise. At this time the bottle is turned slightly to the side and your left thumb on the

who previously wore a fingertip, cover the neck of the bottle. At this time added in a prepared bottle liquor

new clean sealed cork and again tie soft wire. Cider, made the described method has

good taste and high sparkling properties.


Under diseases wine understand abnormal changes in it caused by disease activity (mainly

aerobic) microorganisms.

Diseases are generally low alcohol wines, which are prepared at high temperature in summer. Vices of wine

referred to the appearance of a undesirable properties, which could affect the quality: blackening wine hydrogen sulfide odor, the smell of mold and

other causes of defects are the various physical and chemical impurities.

Acetic souring

This disease occurs in the result of the activity of acetic acid bacteria. They are driven primarily

Low-alcohol wine the presence of oxygen and air, temperatures above 20 °. Bacteria break down the alcohol to acetic acid taste

and which is easy to feel the smell of the wine. Wine vinegar souring diseased can not be repaired. If it contains more than 1.5

g / l acetic acid, then he is considered unfit for consumption. Vinegar can prevent souring by exclusion

Access oxygen during fermentation and storage.

Bloomed wine

The disease occurs as a result of life

film of yeast of the genus mikoderma that form on the surface of low-alcohol wines thin film. Film

yeast involving oxygen destroy alcohol, organic acids and other extractives, give the wine

odor, and it loses flavor.

Bloom can prevent the development of anaerobic conditions by ensuring the storage of wine.

In the case of film formation on the surface of the wine must pour it into another, well fumigated gray ware, while observing,

to the surface layer of fault with the film did not get into a new dish.

Blackening of wine is determined by a compound of iron and tannins in access of atmospheric oxygen.

Blackening of wine occurs in wines with low acidity and high in iron.

To prevent darkening of wine, you should avoid contact of juice, and then wine with iron and copper.


Brandy - one of the most popular since ancient times in Russia drinks, so the technology of their preparation we give to

classic old Russian recipes.

First of all, for the preparation of any liqueur to select mature, clean fruit. You must remove any extraneous

herbs, leaves or roots, but will be crumpled or whole berries for quality liqueur does not matter.

Glass bottle or bottle fill berries on 2 / s and fill up to the vodka bottle. Bottle tie any dense

cloth and place in a sunny place. Every three or four days brandy should stir up. Warm-up time

brandy depends, maturity and amount of berries in relation to vodka. If the berries are quite mature and have plenty of vodka to a height

more than two fingers, liqueur can be ready in six weeks. But usually the term readiness occurs between two and three


Ready to drink, spread 1/4 cold boiled water,

if you want the castle brandy close to medium bodied wine. Next brandy (strong or divorced)

be sweetened. This is done as follows. For every liter of brandy take about 300 g of jam, brewed of the

as berries, which prepared liqueur. Ready jam put on fire, as the jam boil, immediately pour the brandy and

Wait until it starts to barely simmer. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour the drink into any crockery, give

to cool.

Chilled and defend brandy Strain through cotton. The resulting liqueur is fully prepared to

use, it is bottled, sealed. Infusion can be stored indefinitely.

Preparation of brandy as rowan berries very late has some peculiarities. Harvested in late autumn rowan '

most after the first frost, and drenched in vodka, put not in a sunny place, and the best anywhere in the ordinary kitchen

cabinet at average room temperature. In the rest of the recipe is the same as for other berries. Infusion of ash

is about ready in three months.

There are two berry liqueur cooking time of this method, which are significantly different from the others. Strawberry liqueur

will be ready in a month, and of ripe strawberries in just one day.

Another type of cordials, liqueurs called ripening, best cook in cherry, black currant or raspberry. In

Ideally, you should use this glazed ceramic pot, but you can do the ordinary

enameled pan. Put in a pot of ripe berries and clean and fill them up to the top with vodka. Then tie the pot

heavy paper that pierce with a fork in several places. If brandy prepared in the country and there is a Russian stove, then

Put the pot in the oven for an hour and a half, cooled down after firing. If the furnace is not, then you can do the oven

conventional gas cooker. To do this, bring the oven temperature to about 100-120 °, turn off the flame and put the pot in

oven. If the cooling time of air in the oven is not enough, then the process can be repeated again. The main aim is achieved in

berries to fully upreli is defined by their brown color, while the cherries with pits behind

the slightest pressure. After that berries Put a sieve, let the juice drip into the bowl, gently shaking sieve, so as not to

damage the fruit. In stekshy juice, add sugar, 100-300 g per 1 liter of juice, depending on your taste. Cool drinking spirits, and ready to

consumption. It is also possible from the remaining berries with a press or a juicer to get the juice, as it should be filtered

and combine with the already finished liqueur. This will give it extra flavor.

Another way of cooking brandy maturing as follows. Take berries, for the method best

strawberries, strawberries or raspberries, put them in a strong bottle, preferably champagne, as well as possible and Zakuporte

Put into a bowl with cold water. Taz put on fire, bring water to a boil in it and simmer on low heat for about

one and a half hours. Then remove the bowl from the heat, allow the water to cool and then remove the bottle. The resulting juice in bottles

Drain carefully, it is possible through a filter paper or canvas. Mix the juice with the sugar and vodka in the proportions of about

1 liter of juice 100-300 g 200-400 g of sugar and vodka to your taste. Pour the mixture back into bottles, this time they

Strength does not matter Zakuporte and let stand at room temperature for about a day. And brandy ready.

The described method can be made liqueurs from almost all common in our fruits and berries. However, some of them

have some differences from the general rules, which we present in the following recipes.

Infusion of cherry. Collect the most mellow bird cherry and sprinkle it very often on the sheets in the bright, airy

room. Three days later, collect bird cherry on the screen and put it in the cooling (100 °) oven so that the cherries are not

baked, but only slightly provyala. Then remove it, how to interpret in a mortar and shift into the bottle before the bottle.

Fill the bottle full of vodka and leave for 6 weeks. Drain and sweeten it as usual, but preferably at the same time

three or four times to bring to a boil.

Infusion of cranberries. Take the spring rate of the dry sagebrush 5-10 g per 1 liter of vodka, let stand until the fall. Autumn fill 1 / h

bottles most mature cranberries, fill the bottle top with absinthe and set at room temperature for 2 months.

Then drain, filter and sweeten as usual.

Infusion of the leaves of roses. Collect petals blooming roses, a bottle filled with them, pour vodka and allow to stand for as long as

brandy will not become dark amber color. Then drain and sweeten, but in any case not to squeeze the leaves.

Infusion Rowan. Dial the most ripe rowan, place on a baking sheet and finish in the oven at a low temperature

to such a state that the berries are just tender, but not desiccate. Pour rowan 2/3 bottle, pour a bottle of vodka

top. This liqueur has to stand until take dark amber color, then you can merge and sweeten as usual.

Casserole - an old Russian variety liqueur, which is prepared from alcohol extracts in the Russian oven dried at a temperature of

60 ° cherry, plum and blueberry.

To cook the casserole, you must first prepare fruit drinks cherry, prune and blueberry.

Fruit drinks prepared from dried fruit and berries, which, after grinding (not crushed stone) pour

30 per cent of water-alcohol liquid and infused for 14 days. Then drain juice first drain and secondary raw materials

fill 25 percent of water-alcohol liquid. After insisting for 14 days, poured juice second drain. Remaining

waste raw material contains a lot of liquid, similar in composition to the second Morse drain. To distinguish it, raw

pressed onto the press. The separated liquid is attached to the second Morse drain.

Take a small amount of cherry, prune blueberry fruit drink poured into a measuring cup, and mixing them

Make the most enjoyable for you bouquet.

According to the number remaining in the measuring cup fruit drink you can determine the amount of consumed or

a component for making this bouquet brandy.

1 liter of brandy to add 400 g of sugar syrup mixed with 2 g of citric acid (citric acid prevents crystallization

and loss of sugar in the cake). From these components are ready and old Russian brandy "Spotykach" with the only difference being that in

bouquet casserole cherry flavor dominates, while the liqueur "Spotykach" - prunes.

Cloudberry liqueur. If you are lucky enough to get this rare nowadays berry cook from her brandy on a standard recipe.

Then take any empty tin tin, preferably as large as possible, and it also cut and the bottom.

One end of the cylinder resulting tie cheesecloth and fill the jar with small, but not crushed, roasted in the oven

cabinet of black bread crumbs. Then, through this kind of filter miss finished brandy cloudberry, and you have

cry from what used to be called the old Hungarian wine.

Vishnevka Little Russian. Make it so. Take the pan with borders, gently fill it with cherries in a single layer, each

Berry put up holes that did not follow the juice, put in the oven at a temperature of 70-80 °, only to cherry

slightly wrinkled, but not dry, then cool them. This brandy is better to cook in a barrel, but in this case you can do

glass bottle. Fill the container with berries, constantly shaking it to included as many cherries. When the balloon

will be quite full, fill up to the top with vodka, put it in the cellar or refrigerator (but not on the ice and not in the freezer) for 10 days.

The finished brandy pour into a separate container and pour another berry vodka. Let stand in the same conditions of 14 days. Drain again

get a drink and I repeat the whole operation, to be cordial to have 7 weeks. Then all three liqueur mix

together, if it is not clean, filter, put 100 to 300 grams of sugar per 1 liter, to bottle, tightly

Zakuporte, if possible, tar or wax plugs and pour brandy Store in a cool dark place.


Russia has long been widely used another kind of close to drinking spirits drinks, recently undeservedly forgotten.

This spike. Studding, as well as brandy, prepared from almost any fruit and vegetables similar to her prescription, but

is a much sweeter and more tender, and also aerating like champagne, why, and got its name.

To prepare the spike to maturity and purity of fruit have to show very high standards, and vodka is best applied

home, cooked according to the recipe below, and aged in oak barrels for 3-4 months, but it is not mandatory.

Take a glass bottle, pour at 8 liters of clean tap water, pour 2.5 kg of sugar and mix it to

completely melted. Then pour in a bottle 2.5 kg of fresh and ripe berries or fruit, pour 1 liter of vodka and stir a few times

balloon. The neck of the vessel with a cloth bandage, best canvas, and place in a sunny location, you can simply goes on

south window, days, at 12. All the while, every morning a clean wooden stick stir several times berries in the bottle, but

Try not to damage them, or how to shake the container.

The second week of the berries in the tank will gradually move upwards and vice versa. It speaks of the completion of the first phase

preparation. Then filter the shipovku through canvas or other similar fabric, but in contrast to the preparation of liqueurs is not

should use a filter paper. Pour the liquid into another bottle and place on three days in the cellar on the ice or in

refrigerator at the lowest temperature (but not freezing).

When three days studding stand, again through his thick cloth and bottle. This is a must

be a bottle of champagne, and they should be poured before the bottle or even two fingers below. Plugs before plugging

boil in hot water bottles and score a wooden mallet, and then tie a thin wire, like cork

champagne. Bury the bottle upside down in the sand, the best in the cellar, or even just in a cool dark place, and

leave as a half - two months. After that studding is completely ready, but it is recommended not to keep more than half a

years, otherwise it can turn sour.

As already stated, the restrictions on use to spike berries or fruits there is little, but the best drink

obtained from raspberry, black or red currants and gooseberries


In an extensive gallery of all kinds of drinks is one of the most favorable places is cognac. The name this drink

obliged the French town of Cognac - the administrative center of the Department of Charente. During the Anglo-French War of 1701

, in the thirteen years of the winemakers of Cognac were no longer able to export their goods, because the British

blockaded the coast. In those days, were the most common packaging oak barrels. In warehouses have a lot of barrels

fortified wine, and when, finally, years later, opened the first barrel, winemakers were amazed bouquet, flavor and color

beverage. Thus was born the brandy.

Of brandy in the home is reduced approximately to the next.

A good table grape wine is poured into the distillation apparatus direct distillation and distilled in the Cognac

alcohol strength of 62-70 °.

The resulting cognac alcohol containing up to 0.5% of impurities. Despite the fact that the amount of these compounds is very small role

them in the formation of a bouquet of brandy is significant. Therefore, from rectified spirit, which has no impurities can not

get a good cognac at the same time it is impossible to get a good quality brandy and vodka from a country in which

contains too many impurities, particularly fusel oil.

Only table wine distillation yields with cognac alcohol content of impurities, which is necessary for the manufacture of


Young cognac alcohol - a colorless, pungent flavor and is not a pleasant bouquet. In this spirit filled oak barrels

sealed and left for slow shutter speeds. Oak barrel is desirable to get the old one, which was kept brandy than

old barrels, the better it matures alcohol. Cognac alcohol extracts of wood soluble compounds, which together with

compounds contained in alcohol, undergo chemical reactions to form the bouquet and flavor characteristic of cognac.

Barrel aged in a cool, well-ventilated area. Quality brandy directly depends on the length of his

exposure. The longer the period of exposure and old barrels, the highest quality cognac available.

Preparation of brandy - a tough job, and it should take on, if you have 'enough patience. In the old cognac

laid on the day his son was born, and consumed the day of his age. To get the exclusive cognac

bouquet, winemakers have to combine several cognac spirits made from different varieties of table wines.

Be patient and do it!



The first written information about distillation in Russia are, by the end of the XVI century, while distilling existed before

time. Vodka prepared from rye, wheat, barley, and it was called "wine." Variety vodka wine was divided into simple

(Ordinary vodka), good wine (better vodka), wine boyars (vodka quality). Produced and stronger

vodka distilled twice - wine double, triple and four times distilled - wine and wine on fourth triple.

Also produces bitter and sweet liqueurs. For this vodka insisted on various spices and aromatic herbs (cinnamon,

mint, mustard, St. John's wort, Dittany, juniper, etc.) and aromatic alcohols.

Extracts obtained by doubling the infusion of different types of vegetable oil-bearing and non-aromatic raw materials

water-alcohol liquid.

Initially, plant material shipped 70 percent of water-alcohol liquid and after the infusion of the periodic

stirring for 10-14 days merges first infusion plum, and raw materials again filled 50 percent of water-alcohol

Aromatic alcohols are solutions of essential oils in water-alcohol mixtures. The raw material for the preparation of these alcohols are

fresh and dried peel of citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons, oranges, many-seeded fruits: Pomerantseva

nut, star anise, vanilla, cardamom, pimento, aromatic grass clover, oregano, sage, lavender, St. John's,

Zubrovka (cereals, after drying with the smell of hay and contain coumarin), hyssop, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint,

curly mint, wormwood, tarragon, thyme, yarrow, thyme, aromatic roots airny, valerian, angelic,

ginger, toffee, shipovnikovy, Kalganova, as well as arnica flowers, acacia, clove, lime, pink, rose and cherry.

For the manufacture of aromatic alcohols using multiple types of oil-bearing raw materials (up to 10. And more). Raw

previously ground, loaded into a distillation apparatus, pour the water-alcohol liquid (for fresh raw strength

60% by volume for dried - 40-50%), followed by heating in the immediate distillation distillyatsionnom.apparate

produce aromatic alcohol distillation.

When heated raw essential oils contained in the raw material, due to the high volatility and low solubility easily

evaporate and concentrate in pairs. This makes it possible to select those with the distillation distillate fractions that contain

the most valuable for the production of aromatics.

Russian vodka from ancient times deservedly famous worldwide. Sold many varieties of vodka, really and

significantly different from each other, but in a decent house to put on the table the shopping butmlku considered bad form.

This mistress has always tried to give the treat unique identity with their own hands. In addition,

home-cooked vodka has no comparable-store taste and smell. At ¬ molten decanter in the unsuccessful

through the employer's skillful hands a drink causes around the table is not the attitude that the usual faceless bottle, it is

it seems a sin to drink cups and blissfully.

But before you give a few recipes home of vodka, we'll show you how to clean the ordinary vodka from the often available

She odors, charcoal make it easy.

Take some dry birch logs and add one fire. When the coals reach very high temperatures and is

scattering, a scoop to deposit them in a clay pot, blow as clean as possible all the ash and close the pot lid to

extinguished. Then remove them from the pot, again Blow, cool and interpret, but not too finely. Put comminuted coal

sokovarku steam and process steam for 40-60 minutes. As a result of activation of carbon released from strangers

substances, acquiring a porous structure and a large adsorption surface. After coal activation method it

You can return the original cleaning properties.

Place the activated carbon in the bottle at the rate of about 50 g in 1 liter and fill with vodka. For the next three weeks each

Shake the bottle day 3-4. Then let the vodka stand for another week, but do not shake. After that vodka

Strain, pour into a clean bottle, place it carefully over both the best possible large white raisins

30-40 g per 1 liter and 4.3 g of finely cut up orris. Give vodka stand another 12 days and then filter the. Ready

drink should be completely free of odors and flavors.

Then you can optionally add the vodka is most enjoyable for you to color. Label colors and their respective plants is very

simple: blue vodka insist - on cornflower, yellow - saffron, green - in mint, red - for blueberries, currants,

purple - in sunflower seeds, brown - the shell of pine nuts.

Density and richness of color you can to your liking vyrirovat depending on the number of plants and time

present and their own imagination.

For vodka production in the following recipes on

Use the distillation apparatus direct distillation.

Vodka white old Moscow

40 g ginger, galangal 40g, 40g of sage, mint 40g, 40g anise sugar and 1 liter of spirits and infuse for 18 days, then add to the infusion of 1.5 liters

cold tap water (if you have a nearby key, then it is best) and together overtake through distillyatsionnyi

apparatus. If you use vodka instead of alcohol, then it can not be diluted with water or diluted quite a bit.

Vodka old "Erofeich"

35 g of mint, anise 35 g, 35 g of orange nuts coarsely pounded sugar and 1 liter of purified charcoal on birch vodka. And put on

12 days in a warm place. After that, you can use vodka and pouring thick, but thick and can be used again, the bay

half portions of vodka and place in a warm month.

Vodka with almond smell

Take the youngest shoots rowan tree, clean them from the skin and pour white wine stems easiest,

preferably a white solid, in the volume ratio of 1:4 (1 part of shoots and 4 - wine) and moving through distillyatsionnyi apparatus.

If almond smell you feel weak, put more shoots to your liking and then surpass.

Vodka Casserole

In the simplest put vodka from 1/10 to 1/5 of dry lemon peels, let sit for at least a few hours, and all together

surpass a distillation apparatus. Take a bottle of the best possible thick glass and place in 1 liter of vodka distillery

6 g of cinnamon, 1 g of cardamom, nutmeg, all previously finely crushed. Bottle and Zakuporte obmazhte steep

rye dough to 3 inches thick. If "you prepare a drink in the country and you have the oven, as soon as it starts to cool down,

Put it in a bottle at night. In the morning, remove and leave the room. This was repeated for 4 consecutive days. If there is no oven, then use

the cooling oven, but to put it in the bottle should then at least every 8. After cooking vodka

filter and can lightly sweeten, but put no more than 250 grams of sugar per 1 liter of vodka.

Vodka hunting bitter

Prepare flavored alcohol containing flavors of ginger, Kalganova and angelic root, cloves, pepper

black and red, juniper berries, coffee (beans), star anise, and orange and lemon peels. In the resulting aromatic

alcohol, add 20% white vintage port wine and bring strength of vodka (diluted soft water) to 45 °.

After a two-month delay has a mild spicy flavor and rounded aroma of spices. Color dark brown tincture.

Old Vodka "Stark"

Prepare an alcoholic infusion of leaves most fragrant varieties of apples and pears, add the brandy and 20% of 20% of brand

port. Bring the strength of vodka (diluted soft water) to 43 °. The resulting drain in vodka bottles "Riga

balm "ukuporte. Eat 2 months.

It has a mild flavor and a subtle aroma of the wine.

Tincture "Deerslayer"

Prepare alcoholic infusion of dried grass hypericum, oregano, sweet clover. Bring the strength of vodka to 40 °, Sustain month.

It has a spicy flavor hypericum. Color is light brown.

Tincture "Erofeich"

Prepare alcoholic brew 11 kinds of herbs and flowers (oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, tarragon,

sage, leaf blower, leaf apple, strawberry leaves and flowers of hawthorn) In addition, in the present includes cardamom and anise

seeds. The infusion has a slightly pungent taste and rounded flavor without isolation of the individual ingredients. Fortress infusion adjusted

to 40 °.

Based on the knowledge of preparation of aromatic alcohols and alcoholic extracts and using your imagination, you can prepare

their own, branded liqueurs. I wish you success!

Pennik of rowan

Take okolo'1 kg mature mountain ash, but that it was collected before frost, and crush a wooden mortar and pestle. Transfer to

bottle, fill it with 10-12 liters of fresh bread kvass and add 50-70 g of yeast. Leave the brew to ferment in a room at a temperature

about 16 °. When fermentation is almost over, that you specify to end the isolation of the active gas, along with the entire mass

rowan, stirring, pour in a flask distillation unit and moving several times, achieving a state

drink, that he had no foreign odors. All of the vodka in well sealed bottles can be stored

virtually unlimited time without losing flavor, on the contrary, acquiring special generosity over the years.

Preparation technology low-alcohol drinks


Beer - low-alcohol beverage, made from barley malt by mashing it with water, followed by boiling with

hops, alcohol fermentation and continuous fermentation at low temperature. Beer contains 1.5 to 6.0% alcohol by

5.5 to 10.5% unfermented extractives (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, organic acids).

Raw materials for the manufacture of beer - barley, hops, and yeast. Property hops - beer store and give it a pleasant bitterness and

flavor. The use of hops gave rise to the name of intoxicating beverages and formed the basis of the whole technology of beer production.

Technology of production of beer consists of four stages:

1) preparation of malt;

2) Preparation of wort;

3) fermenting wort;

4) maturation of beer.

Preparation of barley malt

Barley is cleaned and soaked in water for 48-72 hours to reach up to 42-44% moisture content. Soaked barley

subjected to germination for b-8 days at 14-20 ° under constant aeration. The essence of germination of barley

and turning it into malt is accumulating in the grain of the enzyme diastase, which leads to the preparation of the content of grain to more

easy conversion to fermentable substances. Sprouted grain is dried with a gradual increase in temperature

from 30 to 80 ° C, followed otsushivaniem to 3-4% moisture at 90-100 °. Quality malt mostly

determined by the quality and variety of beer.

Preparation of wort I

Dry malt after a 3-4-week-binning crushed by roller crusher (can mixer) so that the powdery

malt body was turned into flour and groats. Milled malt is mixed with water at a temperature of 50-65 ° in the ratio 1

part of the malt to 4-5 parts water. Mixture is called wort. Saccharifying mash at 68-72 °. Osaharennyi congestion

filtered from the spent grain and clear wort is boiled with hops, to add barhatistoti watch trifoliate (trifol). In

Sterilization is the boiling wort, his hopping and clotting proteins. Sterilized wort is filtered,

separating pellet hops and clotted proteins derive the sediment settling. Transparent hot hopped wort is cooled to

temperature of 6-8 ° and poured through a tube into a fermentation tank.

Fermentation of the must

The wort is fermented by yeast. To enjoy the culture fermentation of brewer's yeast.

Homemade yeast method can be prepared from dry or fresh hops, malt.

Yeast from dry hops. Hops pour a double (by volume) of hot water and boil, often omitting pop

hop into the water with a spoon, to reduce the water twice. In warm strained broth hop dissolved sugar (1 tablespoon per cup

broth) and added under stirring with a wooden spatula flour (1/2 cup per cup of broth). The resulting mass

put a cover with a clean cloth container in a warm place for 2 days. Ready yeast bottled, sealed and stored in a

cool place.

Yeast from fresh hops.

Enamel ware or glazed pot filled with fresh hops pretty tight, pour hot water and boil

Within an hour, covered. In the strained broth warm hops (2 liters), add 1 rounded tablespoon of salt, 1 cup

sugar and 2 full cups flour. Good promeshannuyu mass put in a warm place for 1.5 days, after which

add two mashed boiled potatoes, the mass was stirred and left for a day in a warm place. As demonstrated by

practice, yeast, cooked for this recipe, have a very good fermenting properties. Ready yeast

bottled, tightly sealed and kept in a cool place.

Yeast malt.

Cup flour half a cup of sugar mixed with 5 cups of water and 3 cups of malt and boil for an hour. Lukewarm composition

bottled, sealed with cotton plugs and put in a warm place for

day, and then transferred to a cold place.

Finally, the easiest way to prepare yeast. For this cup of rye flour mix with a glass of warm water and

place for 5-6 hours. Then, add a glass of beer and a tablespoon of sugar, mix well and put in a warm

place prior to fermentation.

All of the above recipes yeast can be successfully used for the preparation of acid (yeast) test, a sample

consumption of yeast 1/4 to 3/4 cup of dough for 2-3 pounds. Yeast is introduced into the fermentation tank in the amount of 0.5% by volume

wort. Fermentation is carried out at a temperature of 6-10 ° for S-8 days, after which the temperature was lowered to 3-4 °, night stand.

Fermented mash is called "green beer." Green beer is poured into a sealed tank for fermentation

temperature of 1-3 ° for 21-90 days, depending on the required quality of the beer. In the process of fermentation of beer is

characteristic taste and flavor. The resulting beer is filtered and poured into a sealed container and stored at low temperature.

Home brew

In the barrel, pour two buckets of cold water, stir it 0.5 buckets of barley malt and leave overnight.

In the morning pour it all into the pot, add a teaspoonful of salt and two-hour simmer. Then add the b

glasses of hops and boil for another 20 minutes. Then filter the liquid through cheesecloth, pour into the keg and cool. Add a cup

yeast, a cup of molasses, stir and let stand day. Beer bottling wait a about a day, and only then

Zakuporte, and in a day drink is ready for consumption.

But if the malt is not found, then try to make his own likeness, which use the following recipe.

Preparation of malt

Rye soaked in cold water to swell, spread on a sieve and drained the water, shift to screening and keep up

germination. Sprouted rye are placed in a pan or cast iron and put in the oven for uprevaniya. After uprevaniya rye and dried


English beer

Take 3-3.5 kg of barley or oats, stirring constantly, dry corn on the hearth of the Russian stove so that they do not even

fry, the same result can be obtained in the cooling oven. Interpret grain, pour into the boiler or other

bowl and pour 16 liters of water at 65 °. Stir well, allow to stand for 3 hours, and carefully pour off the liquid. Refill

grains remaining in the boiler 12 liters of water at 72 ° and 2 hours drain. And once again fill the grain 12 liters of water, but cold, and

drain and a half hours. All three of the fusion of water mix. In 20 liters of warm water dissolve 6 kg of molasses, pour into the prepared

liquid, add 200 grams of hops and boil all together, stirring constantly. After 2 hours, when the liquid has cooled, pour into it two

cup of yeast, stir and let it sit at room temperature. When active fermentation process is complete, pour beer

in the barrel and leave it open for 3 days. Then stab the bush and in 2 weeks will get the finished beer.

Russian beer

8 kg of honey, 100 g of hops, 200 g of yeast.

8 kg of honey diluted with 40 liters of water, add hops and boil for 1 hour. Decant the wort into a barrel, cool, fill with the yeast and keep

5-6 days in a room with an open hole plugs. After this time, the fermentation process is over. Barrel

cork and poured into the cellar or on the glacier and set the cap down. After 2-3 days in the barrel is screwed valve,

beer is bottled, tightly sealed and put them in the cellar or glacier. Over time, the beer is stronger and

tastier. Yield 50 liters.

But if you can not get any malt or hops, the one for you we found in the old Russian recipe cookbooks as

if calculated on your situation with food.

Beer made from pine shoots

Cut the pine shoots 5-8 cm long, cut into small pieces, cover with water and simmer for 30-40 minutes after boiling,

Strain the liquid through a folded in several layers of cheesecloth. Then for every 12 liters of this liquid, place 800 g of sugar and

cook until until the syrup thickens to the consistency of molasses. Drain it in a barrel, Zakuporte and store in a cool, dry

place. Shelf life can be up to one year. When you want to make beer, then for every 15 bottles of water take 1

bottle pine broth, mix and boil for two hours on low heat. Cool, pour into the barrel and leave to ferment for

two - three days. Then bottle and Zakuporte.

Any kind of home-brewed beer, especially if you cook it a lot, and are not stored in the best of circumstances, can sour.

To remedy this situation, there is a fairly simple way. Add the beer fresh honey at the rate of 1 part honey to 75 parts

beer, pre-diluted honey in a small amount of the same beer.


(Hot spiced mead beverages)

Sbiten appeared in Russia about a millennium ago. Already in the XII century, it is mentioned in the chronicles as well as used by Slavs.

True, the drink is called brought down and digest later - broths.

From the beginning to digest cooked honey with herbs. In sbiten and later added St. John's wort, sage, bay leaf,

ginger, mint, thyme, oregano, cayenne pepper. As we see, this drink is not only tasty, but also useful, as included in its

composition of herbs have medicinal properties.

In the old days sbiten prepared with wine, and without wine. Sbiten

with wine foreign seamen called "Russian mulled wine."

How to cook a real sbiten? The recipe is very much different they are included in the components and technology

preparation. However, the same component is always brought down honey.

There are simple and custard was brought down. For the latest mash of honey and molasses is fermented with various spices. In this case,

You can get drinks like slabohmelnym honeys, Braga, beer.

Sbitnev served with biscuits, gingerbread.

Below are the most popular recipes brought down. Which to choose - it's a matter of taste and your opportunity


Sbiten with wine

1 liter of dry red wine, 150 g of honey, 0.1 grams of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.

Boil wine with honey, add the spices and let stand for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink served hot.

Scented custard sbiten

1 kg of white honey, 40 grams of hops, 0.5 cups of yeast, spices (cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, mint, etc.).

Honey dissolved in 3 liters of boiling water, stirred and allowed to stand overnight. Then, stirring continuously boiled for 2 hours,

removing foam. Then enter hops, spices and boil for 15 minutes. Poured into a clean barrel, cooled, injected yeast, sealed and

bring to the ice for 14 days. After aging, filtered, bottled, sealed and stored in the glacier.

Raspberry custard sbiten

1 kg of honey, 0.5 kg of filtered raspberry juice, 0.5 cups of yeast, spices to taste.

Honey diluted in 3 liters of boiling water, stirred and maintained daily. Then introduced the juice and a bag of spices and cook for

hours, cooled, add yeast, sealed and bring to the ice for 14 days. After aging, decant, filter, "and

bottled, which is stored in the glacier or basement.

People sbiten

1 kg of honey, 20 grams of hops, 2-4 teaspoons of cinnamon.

Honey dissolved in 4 liters of boiling water, put the hops, cinnamon, boil for 2-3 hours. Then filtered, and cooled siezhivayut. Use


Simple sbiten

0.75 kg of white syrup, 0.5 kg of honey, 5-10 g of spices (cinnamon, bay leaf, cloves, mint, etc.).

In the former liters of boiling water and add all boiled for 30 minutes. Sbiten hot drink like tea.

Vintage custard sbiten

6 liters of honey kvass, 6 l weak Braga, 0.5 kg of honey, vinegar 40-100 g, 20 g of ginger root Kalganova 6 g, 0.5 cups of liquid yeast.

All components except the yeast, boil for an hour. Cooked mixture is cooled and poured into a barrel, add in, it

liquid yeast without Stoppering barrel, put in a warm place for 6-12 hours for fermentation. Then sealed and put the barrel

Glacier for 2-3 days.

Ukrainian custard sbiten

1kg of honey, 50 grams of liquid or bread yeast, spices: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, mint, hops, etc.

Honey diluted in 4 liters of hot water, add spices to taste and drink boiled for 4 hours, drained, cooled to 25 ° C,

add yeast and not Stoppering barrel, put in a warm place for 6-12 hours for fermentation. Then sealed and barrel

put on ice for 2 3 days. After that sbiten ready for use.

Sbiten raspberry

2 cups raspberry juice, 2 cups of honey

2 tablespoons of liquid yeast, 2 liters of water.

Honey dissolved in hot water, add the raspberry juice, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally and remove the white foam.

Cool to 25 ° C, add the yeast and put to ferment for 10-12 hours. Fermented mash in a well drained and steamed

freshly washed barrel or bottle, cork and put the cold for one month. After that, to bottle, cork and

stored horizontally. Serve cold.

Medovo kvass (Meda)

Meda - the collective name of a large group of old Russian kvass, which is prepared from honey. They

retain all the healing properties of honey. Especially useful for recovering and anemic people. For

preparation of wort taking natural honey.

Preparation of honey kvass consists of the following processes.

Preparation of honey mash. Honey mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 6 and flavored with spices, boiled for 2-4 hours,

until it becomes light, then cooled and fermented. If the wort is prepared with hops, it set for 15-25 minutes. until the end

boiling. Before fermentation mash is filtered.

Fermentation of the must. Is conducted in an open container. The end of the main fermentation - is the disappearance of the foam. After that, the young brew

cover and take out in the basement, the glacier for a slow fermentation and maturation in the cold for 1-2 months or more. That

honey brew was tasty, fragrant, more transparent and more resistant, it is fermented at lower temperatures, although it is

longer. Temperature above 12-15 ° C should not be lifted, and the maturation and maturation must be carried out at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

In the preparation of yeast kvass before the main fermentation the must define the culture of wine or kvass pure yeast

cultures (100 g per liter of wort 18-20). Fermentation of the must takes 1-3 days, maturation 4.2 "weeks, holding 1-2 months.

Lighting. If the fermentation brew mead not lighten it brightens whites 1 egg 3-5 liters of kvass or 1 g of fish glue

to 5 liters of kvass. The mixed solution of glue or protein set in honey brew, stir and leave to stand for one day.

Bottling honey kvass. Pour the honey brew after 3-8 weeks of preparation in a bottle of champagne,

cork, tied with wire.

Exposure. If you want to get a strong, fragrant and long-lasting brew, it is kept in the basement before the flood

3-4 months.

Storage. Honeys keep in champagne bottles or other solid container. Plugs should be secured with wire.

The bottles are stored in the basement in the supine position.

Astrakhan honey brew

4.1 kg of honey, 100 g of hops, yeast, 200 g, 100 g of wheat flour.

4 kg of honey diluted in 15 liters of water, stir well and add the yeast to the wort brew. It is prepared as follows

way: hops pour 2 liters of water and boil until the water is not evaporated by half. The solution is cooled, pro ¬ tsezhivayut, mixed with

batter prepared from 200 g of yeast, 100 g of flour and bottles of honey mash. The mixture is covered, put on 3-4

hours in a warm place and as soon as dough rises, it asked in the honey must. All stir, transfer to a clean barrel and

put in a cool place. After 3-4 days, decant into another barrel, add 100 g of honey and leave it for 12 days. Ready to brew

bottled and stored in the refrigerator until use. Yield 15 liters.

White honey brew

4 kg of honey, 100 g of hops, 6 g orris, 2-3 cardamom seeds.

Honey diluted 25 liters of boiling water, cook for 2-3 hours. For

20 min. before end of cooking it asked hops. After boiling, the wort is drained, cooled, orris root and cardamom.

Then the mash is fermented, clarified 6 g fish glue is poured into a clean barrel, sealed and placed on ice or in the cold

Cellar for 2-3 weeks. After that, bottled, sealed and stored prior to use in the cold. Yield 22-23 liters.

Vinopodobny honey brew

8 kg of honey, 200 g of tartaric acid, 2 grams of ginger, 2 g of cinnamon, cloves 2 g, 2 g nutmeg. Honey and 200 g of tartaric

acid is boiled so as to get 25 liters of honey mash is cooled to 15 - 20 ° C and leave in a warm place disguised

to ferment for 2-3 days. At the end of fermentation, honey filter through flannel, pour into a clean barrel and injected

in a bag of spices. Keg sealed and put in the cellar or on the glacier to age for 6-12 months. After

bottled and kept sealed until use. The longer the brew is stored, the better the flavor. Output

25 l.

Representation of honey cherries (Vishniac)

2.5 kg of honey, 5 kg of cherries.

1st recipe. In a large bottle poured cherries and pour honey mash. prepared from 2.5 kg of honey and 12 liters of water. Leave

open in a dark room for fermentation. After 3 weeks, the bottle is slightly closed with cotton plug and transferred to the cellar in holodnyi

3 months. Then decant, bottled, sealed, tied with wire, and keep osmalivayut on the glacier. Than

last longer, so it is tastier and stronger. Remaining cherries can then pour honey mash of 1.2 kg of honey and 12 liters of water and

get honey brew, but less strong.

2nd recipe. The main difficulty in the preparation is to get a good tight and clean wooden barrel

three buckets Bound zheleznmmi hoops. Mature and cleaned of twigs and leaves of the cherry in a barrel roll in a way that

to the top left space is not more than 5 cm and fill natural honey. Honey to pour very slowly and as long as it

level is even with the top layer of berries. Then keg Zakuporte tightly as possible. If it is with the cork, the drive in tight

tube and through the barrel of a strong tie up all the rope, if the lid is also good cover and tie the best

fill with Wash or any other compound that prevents the ingress of air into the keg. Brandy, put in the cellar or

just bury in the ground or sand in the basement or directly on the site. After three months otkuporte barrel Vishnevka Strain

through the canvas, pour it into the bottle and tightly Zakuporte desirable, if possible, seal the resin or wax. This'

cherry brandy can be stored for several years. On trehvederny keg takes two buckets of cherries and a bucket of honey.

Orange (mandarin) honey

2 kg of honey, 5 oranges, orris 25 g, 2.5 g of fish glue.

Honey and 12 liters of boiling water boiled, cooled to 20 ° C, 100 g administered peel sour white bread, soaked in kvass yeast. Then

add finely chopped zest and orange pulp iskroshennuyu, orris and isinglass, stand 2-3 weeks

in the cellar. Stsezhi ¬ vayut and bottled, well sealed, remain in the cold until use.

Raisin honey brew

4 kg of honey, 5 kg of raisins, protein 10.8 pc., 1 glass of wine yeast.

Peeled raisins boiled in 10 liters of water until it softens. Then removed from the water, rubbed, sieved and mixed

with water, which tenderize raisins. After that, add honey and as much boiling water to get the wort volume of 18 l. Mash

simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally and removing form a foam. Once the foam is no longer appear, must

cooled to 20 ° -25 ° C, to teach them to lighten the egg whites and let it settle. Clarified wort is carefully poured from

sediment into a clean keg (bottle), is set in a culture of wine yeast and allowed to ferment. Fermented mash defend

fused to the yeast sediment-, and kept pogreoe 2-3 months for fermentation and maturation. After that, pour in

bottles, which keep the cold firmly sealed until use. Exit 17 l.

Raspberry honey brew

4 kg of honey, 1 liter of raspberry juice, 200 grams of white bread, 100 g of yeast, 15-20 g of fish glue.

Boiled honey with 25 liters of water. Mash is filtered and poured into an enamel bowl, cool and added thereto 200 g of white bread soaked

100 g of liquid yeast, put to ferment in a warm place, periodically removing the foam. At the end of fermentation, mixed with

raspberry juice. Then filtered, treated with 15-20 g of fish glue or protein diluted wort. Cask tightly

sealed and coated with clay, transfer it to the glacier. After 12 days decant honey, bottled, and kept osmalivayut

in the cold until use. Yield 22 liters.

In the same way, you can make honey kvass, adding other juices.

Simple honey brew

4 kg of honey, 100 g of hops, 200 g of yeast.

Honey diluted in 15 liters of hot water and cook 2-4 hours prior to lightening. Hops are boiled in 0.5 liters of water. Wort and hops mixed broth for

20 min. before the end of cooking. Poured into the barrel, cool and set the yeast. After main fermentation mash is poured into the barrel and

put in the cellar for 2 weeks for the fermentation, then - on the glacier for aging. When the infusion, bottled,

sealed and kept in the cold until use. Yield 15 liters.

Fruit and honey brew

3 kg of honey, 8 liters of juice 'red currants or blueberries.

3 kg of honey diluted in 12 liters of boiling water with a slotted spoon remove the foam, cooled to 25 ° C and poured into 8 liters of juice. In pasteurized juice

to add 50-100 grams of raisins or 1 cup of water diluted in baker's yeast. After fermentation and precipitation kvass

decant the bottle, sealed and transferred to a cool place for 10-40 days.

Apple honey brew

8-16 kg of apples, 1,6-3,2 kg of honey (for each fill.

Apples (more acidic) is cut into 4 pieces, place in a clean linen bag and tie, put in a clean enamel

pans with wooden lid cover (mesh) around and press down load to the apples going up. Pour

6.12 l of warm boiled water with dissolved honey. Dishes covered with canvas and allowed to ferment for 4-5 weeks

cellar or on the glacier. Then carefully decanted into a clean bowl, which put on the glacier. Pour boiled pulp

water with honey two times, wait in line for 4-5 weeks, drained. Then mix all three drain and leave to ferment usually

6-9 weeks. After that, clear brew bottled and sealed in bottles and kept in the ice for 3-4 weeks. After that, he


Representation of black currant honey

1 part honey and 1 part of black currant juice. Mix the honey and juice in a 1:1 ratio. Poured into a glass bottle or keg

give ferment and put in the cellar (fridge) to 0 months. When sludge settles, poured into bottles and sealed. To

drinking brew store in the cold.

Light hop honey

4 kg of honey, 400 g of hops, 1/4 cup of liquid yeast. Hops in a linen bag boil 12 liters of water, while, it will not be 10 liters. After

This bag is immersed in cold water. The broth is cooled and run off into a clean bowl. Asked 4 kg of honey and boil, add 18

liters of water and boil again, pour into a clean barrel, cool, give 1/4 cup of liquid yeast, tightly closed, kept

4-5 days in the heat, and then transferred to a cold cellar. 3 days after the brew settles, it is bottled,

stoppered and allowed to stand on the glacier up to 3 months. Yield 28 liters.

Method of preparation nastoinyh kvass

When infusion process grain products (1 kg) is kneaded in hot water (1.5 L) at 20-25 ° C. Everything is thoroughly mixed and

stand alone for 15-20 minutes. Then diluted with boiling water, which is poured slowly, in small portions

stirs the surface of the test. '1 kg dough takes 7.6 liters of water. Stir the dough temperature is not lower than 70-80 ° C. After

dilutions knead dough 30-40 minutes. and hot dipped in enamel pot (chang). Its close

cover and carefully insulated and leave for 1-2 hours alone for saccharification and defend. Clarified the first wort is drained

for boiling. The remaining thick carefully in small portions pour hot water 90-95 ° C. Water take as much as was

first wort. After 15 - 20 minutes. 2nd infusion mash drained, mixed with the first and boil for 1 hour, then cooled to

20-25 ° C and fermented.

Peasant kvass

5.2 kg malt (rye - 4 kg, barley - 1.2 kg), 2.5 kg of rye flour, 0.5 kg of rye bread, 0.3 kg of stale rye bread, 4 kg

honey, 200 grams of mint.

Malt and flour and 25 liters of water to knead the dough and let it rest in a quiet 10-12 hours. Then the dough is spread in

enamel bowl, cover with a lid and put in a hot oven or in a well-heated oven and boiled for 3 hours. Then his

mix, scrape away from the walls, pour boiling water up to the top again and put into the oven or oven for 21-24 hours. The next day

spread batter into filtering vat and poured 63 liters of boiling water. Stirring it asked crushed crackers, bread and

leave to 'rest for 10-12 hours. When sediment settles and starts fermenting mash, first wort decant from the vat. From it

do brew the highest quality. Thick pour over 63 liters of hot water, stir and allow to stand for 2-3 hours, then decant 63 l

second wort. Thick again poured 30 liters of boiling water, allowed to settle, decanted, mixing with the second.

The resulting mash is poured into barrels, flavored with mint and honey and left to ferment. 12-24 hours

transfer cask in the cellar or glacier. When fermentation rest, add honey to 1 kg per 30 liters of wort. After that, the barrel

cork stoppers. Kvass is ready in 3-4 days. He is a dark red color, a pleasant sweet taste and a little foam. On

ice and stored in a refrigerator for several months. Output of 150 liters.

People brew

3 kg of flour, rye malt, 4 kg of flour plain flour, 100 grams of honey, 200 g of flour to yeast, 3 tablespoons of liquid yeast or

100 g of pressed.

In malt added rye flour and knead in cooled boiled water. The dough is mixed well to avoid lumps,

converted into an enamel bowl and place on the day in good istoplennuyu stove or oven. Then the oven again and heat their

put the dough in it on the second day. After two days of evaporated batter spread in a trough (a wooden or

enamel) and slowly pouring 12 liters of warm water, dilute it with continuous stirring. Diluted wort cover

and put in a warm place for 15-20 hours. 200 g of flour, 100 g of yeast and one cup of water cook starter. To defend the wort

carefully poured into a well steamed and washed barrel or enamel bowl for fermentation, add

approached yeast starter and honey. Mixed and allowed to ferment in a dark place for 12 - 16 hours. Settled,

light-colored brew is poured into bottles, which are stored in the supine position in a cellar or a glacier.

Russian kvass

1.3 kg of crushed malt, 0.69 kg of rye flour and rye bread 130 g, 80 g of stale rye bread, 1 kg of honey, 30 grams of mint.

Malt and flour slowly stirring continuously poured into 3 liters of hot water. Knead the dough thoroughly

to avoid lumps, cover and leave for 10 hours of saccharification. Then placed into the

dishes covered with a lid and boil for an hour h in a hotly-heated stove or oven. Then mix thoroughly scour

ware from the walls, topped up with boiling water up to the top again and put into the oven for 21 hours to draw. Then the dough is spread in

infusion tank with 16 liters of hot water, give it crushed crackers and bread. The mixture was thoroughly mixed and allowed 6-10

hours of infusion and clarification. When sediment settles, a wall wort begins to ferment, carefully poured into a clean barrel 16 l

first wort.

In the midst of the rest of the second pour 16 liters of hot water, mix thoroughly, insist 2-3 hours and 16 liters second wort

carefully poured into the keg for fermentation, mixed with peppermint extract, add 0.25 kg of honey and without adding yeast

ferment for 12-24 hours. Then transferred to an open barrel glacier. When fermentation will become less intense in kvass added

0.75 kg of honey, sealed and allowed to spill on the glacier. 3-4 days brew is ready. This brew

has good qualities a refreshing soft drink with great taste. Yield 30 liters.

Daily brew

1.2 kg of crushed dry rye bread (crumbs), 0.8 kg of honey, 20 grams of raisins.

Crackers pour 12 liters of hot water, stir thoroughly, cover and insist 10-12 hours. Clarified wort is poured into

keg, add honey, 0.5 cups of liquid yeast, mix and leave to ferment. Young brew bottled,

added to each of 1-2 punch, kept in open bottles at room temperature until the air bubbles

of carbon dioxide. Then sealed plugs and placed in the supine position in a glacier. The next day he was ready to

consumption. You can store the ice for 2-3 days. Exit 8 liters.

Ukrainian (Little Russian) kvass

0.8 kg of crushed rye malt, 0.4 kg of white bread crumbs, 0.4 kg of wild strawberries, raisins, 0.4 kg, 0.8 kg of honey, 25 g of cinnamon, 25g

mint. All products placed into the infusion dishes (except raisins), stirred, poured 18 liters of hot water at room

Frostproof 4 days.

When the jam begins to turn sour, it adds 4.6 liters of boiling water, letting stand for a while, then decant carefully poured into

clear bottle with 2-3 raisins, cork and tied for 2 weeks in a cellar at 2-4 ° C. After exposure

brew turns very persistent, delicious, fragrant. This brew in a cool dry place can be maintained for very long. With

time improving his dignity. Exit 17 l.


Drink cranberry

8 kg of fresh cranberries, 0.5 kg of apples, 0.5-1 kg of honey, 3-4 lemon or orange.

Enumerated berries poured into the barrel or a large bottle, add the sliced ​​apples into pieces. Add the lemon zest

or top with orange and topped with boiled cold water, sweetened to taste with honey. Stopper put on

10-12 weeks in a glacier or cellar. Exit 20 l.

Cranberry (cranberry) drink

Berries carefully sorted, washed with water, crushed and placed into the barrel of good steamed or bottle. Then

Pour boiled cooled water, add honey to taste, well-sealed and put on ice. After 2-3 weeks

the drink is ready for consumption. After draining the 1st drink cranberries same kolichestvm pour boiled water with honey, etc.

until cranberries vymoknet not completely. Cranberries for this drink can be used until the next harvest.

Drink "Nine forces'"

300 g fresh or dried roots of elecampane, 200 g of honey, 0.5 cups of cranberry juice, 1 liter of water. Fresh roots narezatv pieces and boil

in water for 20 minutes. (Dry - 25 min.). Broth strain, add honey, cranberry juice, stir and chill.

Drink of sweet clover

10 g of dried leaves and blossoms of clover, 100 g of honey, 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons cranberry.

Pour hot water, add honey and bring to a boil, stir, pour cranberry juice, drain and cool.

Cranberry nectar

1 liter of cranberry juice, 1 kg of honey, 100 g of yeast, 5 grams of cloves, 3 liters of water.

Boil the water and dissolve the honey, cool, add yeast, cranberry juice, spices, pour into a bottle and cork

put it rest for 2 days. After that, put in a cool place for 2-3 weeks, strain and pour into bottles and store in

basement or glacier.

Voditsa kostyanichnaya

1 kg of berries bramble, 100 g of honey, 2 liters of water

Prepared bramble cover with cold boiled water, leave for one day, drain the water, add the honey and serve. For

Storage Voditsa to bottle, cork stoppers and stored in a cool place.

Honey Lemonade

1st recipe. 1 kg of honey, 30 g brewer's yeast, 12 liters of water.

Honey pour boiling water and add the yeast. On the second day, when the fermentation starts, lemonade bottling champagne.

Bottle cork firmly obvyazyvaya plug wire. Drinks can give flavor by adding citric acid.

2nd recipe. 2 tablespoons honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup of water.

Lemon juice mix well with honey and diluted with boiled water to taste.

Drink from a juniper

200 g of juniper berries, 2 5G water, 50 grams of honey, 25 g of yeast.
Fresh berries are boiled in water for 30 minutes., Drain, cool add honey and yeast mix and put to ferment. When the yeast

will rise up again, stir and pour into a bottle. Close bottle stoppers and leave for 3-5 days in a cool place.

Buckthorn drink and mint

3 cups of sea buckthorn juice, 50 grams of honey, 1 cup boiling water, 0.5 cups (to taste) decoction of mint field.

Sea buckthorn juice - 1 kg of berries, 0.7 liters of water. Wash berries, crush, add water, stir and squeeze the juice. All components of the recipe

Stir and leave to chill for 2 hours.

Drink of yarrow

20 g of dried leaves and flowers of yarrow, 2 cups cranberry juice, 1 cup honey, 3 liters of water.

Yarrow dipped in boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Insist 2-3 hours, drain, add cranberry juice and honey;

Stir well and pour into bottles.


Since ancient times they called dense resinous, strong-smelling liquid obtained by extracting them from the cuts bark of plants.

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