How to be a good bartender?

1. Learn the history DRINKS
Often you can meet bartenders that prepare only those cocktails that is of the menu, where they specialize. This is wrong. The bartender should know and be able to make each classic cocktail, as the classic drink in the world. And if you are in a bar is a guest, which wants to order, for example, "Margarita", you should know how to cook it.
Therefore, it is necessary to study the classics and basics of the beverage industry. A composer can not make music without knowing the score. And the bartender can not make a delicious cocktail without knowing each and every individuals taste drinks, which he mixes. There is lots of specific literature, read it carefully.
2. STUDY mixology
When you want to be a specialist in their own field, learn mixology. There are 70 laws of mixing drinks. On this basis there is almost 500 variants cocktail recipes that have the highest circles of the bartender.
Here's an example. Absolutely everyone knows this cocktail as a "caipirinha". One of its ingredients is Cachaça. If the visitor does not like rum, you can change it to other strong drink, for example a tip, otherwise offer the visitor "Kaypirosku" or "Kaypirissimu" where instead of rum add a clear rum. Knowing these nuances make you professional by including self-awareness, but also to present guests.
So here's a fact that is now targeting a fashionable as molecular Mixology. It is based on organic chemistry and allows new products to give ordinary taste. Your guests tried once "Mary White"? This is a simple "Bloody Mary", which gained a clear tomato juice. Or, for example, if your guests tried jelly vodka that is drunk a liquid snack? No? Try, if you begin to study the molecular mixology.
The bartender has to be a well-read man. The profession thinks the ability to maintain a conversation with a guest, but this will never have to ask him too much. It is thus that the bartender must, first have a knowledge of psychology, and secondly, to monitor the developments in the country and the world, know jokes and funny stories. After all the guests have to sleep, and not just fall to the bartender in the personal problems of existence and work.
In addition, the bartender has to be vigilant. For example, you have come to the old man with a young girl plausible. For you it is a signal that it is possible to clean the lady to offer plausible delicious cocktail any cost: in order to make an impression on the girl, the man will pay all clean you cook. May result in an alternative example. Behind the counter sits a visitor who drink coffee devoid which sugar: for him, like a bitter, astringent taste of coffee. If he wants to get drunk a cocktail, you can offer him something with Campari or with grapefruit juice and get into the top ten.
4. USE beautiful accessories
The fact that the movement of a bartender must be beautiful and confident, does not raise doubts. But the instruments that the bartender uses in the work, too, have attracted attention. For example, a silver spoon, which measures the bartender a drink, sure to stir the interest of visitors.
Here is another example. I cook cocktail "Vienna banquet" vodka-based with added brightening apple juice and grape-neck containers. The final element of it, then adds a cocktail of pomp and became his mandatory attribute - rose petal. But it is very difficult to implement in the taste of the flower drink, so I use rose water. It is sprayed with an atomizer, similar to a bottle of perfume, right on the surface of the cocktail, giving it the right flavor and settling on the rose petal like drops of dew. On the part of all my actions look very impressive.
5. Refers to FLERINGU without fanaticism
Almost every aspiring bartender passes later stage juggling too much enthusiasm: he wants to pop a bottle, do tricks, these things normally. Still, most are just a beginner bartender - the teenager, who has the energy after the edge. I also went through this phase, I juggled with jets of water, turned around the hands are the glasses. But then you must decide: either you are going to do tricks, or make delicious smoothies. You must be wonderful to know if overreliance tricks often affects the quality of cocktails for the worse.
6. Get ready to drink on RACK
Favorable bartender always have to lust, in order to earn the trust of the people. How this can be created? Need to prepare all the drinks and cocktails at the bar. Guests will see their enormous eyes, as in what is the amount of the bartender pours. And your honesty will bring you a lot more cash than you were it deceived users.
Be sure to try the cocktails later cooking, yet even limes and mint, which are in the "Mojito" each time may come to different relishes. And if by the usual number of limes cocktail turned sour, it is necessary to make the new with more sugar. Compliance with these bosses will allow you to submit a guest equally tasty "mojito" as soon as and wherever you are prepared for it either. This is really important, though a guest, each time getting a cocktail with the same gusto, be confident in your professionalism. So, it will go exactly to you.

1. The bartender is always right! 2. The bartender does not "hear you", not the brother, not a kid, not a tractor driver, not combiner, not a goat, no cop, no boss, no longer a boy and not goof. 3.Barmen does not know and he did not care what day, day of week, the state \ church \ informal \ any other holiday, year, etc. 4.Barmen can not "clean and really bazaar." He only knows how to talk. 5. The bartender did not know where the Little, Bald, Oblique, Curve, lame, deaf, drunk, stupid, lifeless, and all other persons with disabilities. 6. Bartender does not want to know who got into a fight with someone yesterday \ met \ drunk \ slept \ shit \ parted. 7. The bartender is not engaged in buying \ selling stolen gamers, office equipment, antiques, black \ color \ precious metals, cars and drugs to 50 000 tonnes in the party. 8. Stories about how cool bartender and just abaldenny nor in any way a substitute for financial reward for drinks. Like the stories that "yes I have this well, just heaps of dough." 9. Treat Bartending as well as you would like, what would do to you! 10. The bartender did not dance! (Typically) 11. If the bartender says that he can not drink \ smoke \ take drugs at work, it does not mean that the bartender "excrete". It means that he really should not drink \ smoke \ take drugs at work. 12. The bartender has sex on the job only in the most exceptional circumstances, and only with a condom.

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