Preparation cordials

Of vodka and spirits

Spirits and vodka are prepared on the basis of alcohol solutions, which insists, using various plant materials: herbs, flowers, roots, fruits, berries, etc. A wide variety of raw materials can make spirits with a variety of properties: healing, toning, soothing. In addition, beverages prepared with the necessary conditions for a good recipe, have excellent taste and aroma, which in itself gives a pleasant sensation in their hand.

When manufacturing is necessary to determine the alcohol content, or change the concentration of alcohol in the drink when diluted. To do this, take into account the total amount of liquid, the addition of alcohol and to determine the concentration of Table 16.

HOME flavored vodka and liqueur

For the preparation of vodkas and liqueurs use different spices and herbs, and some of them grow in the garden of culture, in the garden. and other wild plant species, collected in the forest, in the fields, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Some of these plants and the composition of spicy fees for making vodka and liqueurs are given in the above recipes.

This, of course, does not exhaust all possible options for the use of plant material, as this will depend on the wishes and tastes of the manufacturer. In addition to these raw materials for vodka production use! essential oils, which reduce the cooking time. Vodka is prepared in several ways, using pot stills followed by spicy and aromatic substances.

Alcohol solutions, infused with plant material, distilled, which allows to obtain flavored drinks with a high alcohol content, but the taste of these drinks is almost unchanged. To make vodka desired flavor and color of the distillation blended with infusions of vegetable matter, and if desired, in addition to this the listening.

The infusions were prepared by cold infusion of various herbs and spices. During the infusion of alcohol solution saturated with aromatic substances and thus also changes the taste of the drink.
To prepare tinctures use fresh or dried plants that are then stored in an alcohol solution so far. until all the essential oils and active compounds from plants to dissolve in alcohol. When insisting raw periodically decant, and the solution is poured and shaken again.

Cooking time depends on the form of tinctures of raw materials and temperature, the duration of the infusion was usually within 3-5 weeks. When the temperature rises to 50 ° -60 ° C long-term infusion of some raw materials is reduced to 5-8 days. This fact is used for the preparation of quick infusions.

Lemon vodka. Dry lemon zest to put in the glass bottle, pour strong vodka 42-45 ° at a ratio of 1:5 and infuse for 3 weeks. Then add the water in an amount less than half the volume of used vodka and overtake through the cube so that the volume of distilled vodka would be equal to the original volume of strong vodka. Then take two or three small lemon, cut with a sharp knife peel the thin top layer, put in a bottle and pour distilled vodka. Infuse 5 - 8 days in a warm place, then strain, filter, and if you want a little sweetened (200 g sugar per 1 liter).

Similarly, you can make an orange and mandarin vodka.

Clove vodka. Dried flower buds cloves in a small amount of 10-12 t put in a glass bottle and pour a strong vodka. Infuse two weeks, and then add a little water (1/2 vol) and overtaking through the cube so. to get an initial amount of vodka. After that, pound white raisins (50 g per 1 L), add a few cloves of flowers 5 pcs in 1 liter without legs, which should be cut and push two weeks. After that, decant, lighten, adding a spoonful of milk per liter of vodka, and filtered. If desired, sweeten vodka (100 g sugar per 1 liter).

Juniper vodka. Juniper berries and pour the pound strong vodka (40 g of berries to 1 liter). Infuse for two weeks, and then adding water to overtake through the cube. After that vodka is ready for use. However, to improve the taste, you can add the alcohol extract of herbs (Table 15. Collected number 5) at 50 g for 1 liter.

Absinthe. Collect young shoots of Artemisia, to take only the top and place in the bottle, add angelica seeds and pour strong vodka (400 g wormwood. 50 g of seeds per 1 liter). Infuse for two weeks, then add water and overtake through the cube, having an initial volume. Then added to distilled vodka 20 ----- 30 young black currant leaves and infuse for 3-4 days in a warm place until the green color of the infusion, filtered and sweetened.

Anisette. Fresh anise seeds pound, adding fennel seeds, put in a bottle and pour a strong vodka. Infuse for 4 weeks, then add water to overtake through the cube and get a good half of the alcohol solution. For 1 liter of vodka take 30 i aniseed, 10-15 g fennel seeds. Then take the lemon peel (200 g per 1 L), 1 to 2 grams of ginger, 2 g of salt and insist 4-6 weeks, then strain and otfiltrovat.

Moskovskaya vodka. Taken in equal parts mixture of herbs and roots: galangal, peppermint, ginger. sage, anise (40 g per 1 L) and infuse for three weeks in a strong vodka, and adding water to overtake through the cube so as to obtain the initial volume of vodka. After that vodka is ready for use.

Pine vodka. Young pine cones collected in the spring, fall asleep in the bottle, filling the fourth volume, pour strong vodka and let stand for 1.6 days. Then overtake through the cube, adding a little water. The resulting vodka sweetened (50 grams of sugar per 1 liter). After that vodka is ready for use. For 1 liter of vodka take 300-400 g cones, 500 ml of water.

Caraway Vodka. Take a mixture of cumin and fennel seeds, dried lemon peel, pound into gravel and pour a strong vodka, let stand for 7 days, and adding water to overtake through the cube, having the previous level of vodka. After vodka should be sweetened. For 1 liter of vodka take 200 grams of cumin and fennel seeds and peel.

Rye. Take 120 g of dry bread toast caraway (Borodino) of bread, add a clove buds (3 - 5 in 1 liter) and 4.3 g of cinnamon, pour strong vodka and infuse 3-5 days. After that overtake through the cube, adding a little water to get the same level.

Tincture "Fishing." For 1 liter of purified vodka 40-42 ° take 4.3 cloves garlic, finely chop and add 1.5 - 2 g ground pepper. 10 g of salt. 4-5 g of crushed bay leaves and 30 grams of sugar. Insist on April 5 days. shaking daily content. Then filtered through a cloth filter.

Pepper vodka. For 1 liter of purified strong vodka to take 20 grams of black pepper, add 3-5 g allspice. 2-3 drops of cardamom oil and infuse for two weeks, then strain and filter.

Tincture "Hunting." For 1 liter of strong vodka take 30-40 grams of juniper berries, 2 g of black pepper, 50 grams fennel seeds. 10-12 g of salt, 40 tons of horseradish and infuse for two weeks in a warm place, periodically vtryahivaya content. Then strain and filter.

Lemon liqueur. Take 80-100 g powdered lemon peel, 10 grams of salt. 6.5 peppercorns, pour into a bottle and pour a liter of strong vodka Insist 6 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, then drain, filter through a cloth filter and store in tightly sealed bottles.

"Brandy". Selected large forest mountain ash collected after frost, separate the stems, rinse in cold "water and dried. Then sprinkle on baking sheet and lightly dried in the oven. Pour the berries into the bottle, filling 2/3 of the volume, and pour purified strong vodka. Infuse up to three weeks in a warm place, shaking the contents, then drain, filter and preserve in closed bottles.

The infusion of wormwood. In the bottle tops to put fresh young sagebrush. Completed 14 In volume, add anise seeds (100 g per 1 liter) and pour strong vodka. Infuse for 2-3 weeks in a warm place. Then strain and sweeten if desired, a little (30 grams of sugar per 1 liter).

Tincture of peppermint. In 1 liter of vodka to take peppermint 100 g, 40 g fennel seed, juniper berries 12-15 g, 3-5 g of cinnamon and infuse for two weeks. Then strain and sweeten to taste.

Tincture "healing." Take 30-40 grams galangal root, 10-15 g of seeds of dill and anise, 2-3 g of ginger and pour strong vodka (1 liter). Infuse in a warm place for 2-3 weeks, then strain and filter.


Among the spirits who have special delicate aroma and sweet taste are liqueurs, vodka and sweet - ratafii. These drinks are made fortification berry and fruit extracts with traditional herbs in the form of essences and essential oils. For fortification used purified alcohol highest possible concentration of 75-96 °.

Cooking liquor contains alcohol maceration of vegetable raw materials and spices, straining and filtering flasks, cooking sugar syrup, sweetening, sedimentation and removal of sediment.

In the most general case for making liqueurs take 800 grams of sugar and 400 ml of water to 1 liter of alcohol 70-75 °. Of pre-cooked sugar syrup and boil it necessary, removing the foam. This contributes to long-term storage of drinks.

Pour in the hot syrup and hails filtered alcohol and then allowed to stand, remove from the sediment and bottled for storage.

Ratafii prepared the same way, the difference is somewhat smaller amount of sugar that is added to the alcohol infusion. Typical ratafiya contains 200-250 grams of sugar per 1 liter of alcohol infusion.

However, in each case, depending on the type of raw quantitative composition of the components can be changed, but the changes are usually not very significant.

Vanilla liqueur. Take 500 ml of alcohol 70 °, add 2 tsp. spicy mix № 5 (Table 14) and this 5-6 days in a warm place, then strain and filter.

Then take 1 cup of black currant jam, add 300 ml of hot water, present, and filtered through a gauze filter.

Dissolve the sugar syrup (400 g of sugar per 100 ml of water) to boil. In the hot syrup to pour berry syrup and flavored alcohol, cool, pour into a bottle and let stand for 2-3 days. After this, carefully remove from the sediment and stored in closed bottles. This liqueur has a 40 ° alcohol and 40% sugar.

Cherry liqueur. Take 1 kg of cherries, pound along with seeds and pour purified vodka (2 L) for 2-3 hours, remove all the cube and overtake so to get half the amount taken (1 liter) of distilled alcohol. Then fill the bottle 2 kg of ripe cherries, pour the alcohol, cork and infuse for 5-6 weeks.
Determine the readiness of liquor agitation, while, if the liquid wets the glass bottles and immediately runs off, then the liquor is ready. Then he carefully poured off and filtered. Then add a bit of sugar syrup and 5-6 drops of lemon essential oils, pour into bottles and allowed to settle. If there is a deposit on standing, liquor carefully poured into another bottle and store in a cool place.

Similarly, we can make liquor from the sink and turn.

Strawberry liqueur. Select the small size of berries ripe strawberries, pour into a bottle and pour sugar (1 kg of berries 1 kg of sugar), let stand for 2 days, pour alcohol (1 liter of alcohol per 1 kg of berries) and put in a warm place. 3-4 days to test the readiness of the wetting of glass and then carefully pour off drink. After that, heat and strain through a cloth filter. Similarly prepare liqueur Raspberry and strawberry.

Lemon liqueur. A sharp knife to cut a thin layer of peel from several lemons (70-90 g), crushed, folded into a bottle and pour 1 liter of alcohol 70 °. Insist in a warm place for 3 weeks, regularly shaking the contents of the bottle, then strain and filter. Prepare the sugar syrup and mix the hot syrup infused with alcohol (800 g of sugar per 800 ml of water). Let stand, carefully poured into another bottle and store in the usual way.

Ash liquor. Best liquor prepared from the garden ash sweet varieties. This mountain ash does not require additional processing. Rowan wood should be pre-treated in a salt solution (10%), followed by thorough washing.

Rowan berries away, wash and pour into the bottle, filling half of the bottle. Pour purified alcohol (1 liter of 70 °), add 1 liter of syrup, close tightly and put to heat the water bath. Bring to a boil and, without removing from the bath, let cool. Heating and subsequent cooling of berries should be done daily for 7-8 days. After that, carefully pour off the liquor, add 2-4 ml of lemon essence and let stand until a precipitate. Then remove from the sediment and stored in a cool place.

This liqueur has a 35 ° alcohol and 35-38% sugar. Exposure improves the taste of liquor.
Currant liqueur. Get sweet black currant varieties selected large and ripe berries, wash, dry and pour into the bottle, put the 20-30 chopped young leaves, add 2 tsp. spicy mixture number 3. Pour strong vodka (42-45 °) and to insist in a warm place for 6 weeks. To 1 kg of berries, take 1 liter of vodka. Then decant the infusion! and filtered, and allowed to stand, removing sediment, add sugar syrup (600 g per 1 L). Liquor store in the usual way.

Tea liquor. Take a fresh lemon peel to add 20-30 g 2 h A spicy mixture number 3, add strong tea infusion (3 tsp. Higher grades of tea for 10 minutes in 200 ml of hot water), pour strong vodka (1 liter) and push for 6 weeks. Then add the sugar syrup, stir and let stand for 2-3 days. After that, the liquor is ready for use, it can be added to tea for flavored drink.

Ratafii have a lower sugar content and therefore less viscous and well filtered. They have a high alcohol content 35-40 ° and can be stored for a long time without restriction. When using ratafiyu not cooled, as this may be a change transparency drink as essential oils at low temperature are poorly soluble.

Ratafiya of lime color. Dial 100 g lime flowers during flowering, remove stems and leaves, put in a bottle and pour purified alcohol (1 L). add honey syrup (400 g of honey in 1 liter of water). Close dense cover and infuse for three weeks. Then strain and store in a cool place.

Ratafiya of juniper berries. Get selected ripe juniper berries (40 g), add 2 tsp. spicy mix № 13 and 200 ml of sugar syrup, pour strong vodka (1 liter 45 °) and layer 4-5 weeks in a warm place. Then filter, filter and leave for storage. Ratafiya longer stands, the better the taste and aroma.

Ratafiya from grapes. Take 2 kg of muscat grapes, crushed berries and place in the bottle. Fill with alcohol, put spices - 2 tsp. mixture number 2 and insist in a warm place for 6-8 days, constantly stirring the contents of the bottle. Then strain and strain through a cloth filter, but to sweeten the taste and bottle.

Ratafii: lemon, cherry, plum, currant, and other similarly prepared according to the recipes given for making liqueurs, but it takes 2 - 2.5 times less sugar.

Fruit - berry fruit liqueurs

Liqueurs are prepared by pouring vodka or alcohol on the berries and fruits infusion of raw materials for a long time. The result is a strong drink that has the taste and aroma of fruits and berries used. Sometimes, in order to reduce the cooking time fruits and berries pre-heat treated. Fruits can be first a little podvyalit then increases the concentration of sugars and flavors in the resulting drink.

Besides solid steamed fruits and berries for a better separation of juice and nutrients, resulting in increased beverage.

Important operation is the preparation of liqueurs shaking, the solvent is mixed and the concentration of substances in the solution is uniform, all chemicals are actively interacting, also as a result of collisions of the discharge of substances and the juice of the berries is more intense. Therefore brandy periodically shaken.

Another important step is: pumping, which involves draining the solution from the inlet tank, extract raw materials for a short time without a solvent, and then re-loading, and insistence. When pumping raw enriched with oxygen, and it promotes the maturation of brandy.

The ripening fruit liqueurs is 1.5 - 4 months, depending on the type of raw materials and preparation technology. Ripening fruit liqueurs, ripening period not exceeding one month, made from strawberries, raspberries and melon and berry jam.
Middle-brandy (1.5-2.5 months) is made from cranberry, cranberries, currants, cherries, cherry.

Late-brandy (3 - 4 months) is made from apples, mountain ash, shell nuts, lemon peel, apricots.

Ripening cherry brandy made from grapes with good sokootdachey. To do this, clean, dry berries poured into the bottle, poured sugar and insist to the separation of juice, with berries periodically shaken.

Infusion lasted two days, 1 kg of berries take 300 grams of sugar. After separation of the grape juice is poured alcohol or vodka (1 liter of vodka per 1 kg of berries), infused for 6-7 days, then decant brandy and filtered. The finished brandy stored in a cool place in tightly closed bottles.

These liqueurs are also trained from the juice of berries, fruits and jams. In addition to reducing the duration of the infusion of brandy heated in a water bath to a temperature of 60-70 ° C and cooled with a bath. Heating is carried out daily 4-5. After this liqueur is ready for use.

Below are some recipes for liqueurs, prepared and distributed berry and fruit crops.

Cherry brandy. Ripe cherries and sour-sweet varieties in the pan and scatter podvyalivayut at 50-80 ° C in the sun or in the oven for 4-6 hours. Then pour into a glass bottle, filling 2/3 volume, pour vodka purified so that berries were covered by 1 - 2 cm, sealed and soaked in a warm place. Insisting continues for 4-5 weeks, and the berries are periodically shaken and make three pumping. This brandy is usually prepared with no added sugar, but you can slightly sweetened.

When the liqueur is ready, it is poured, add vanilla alcohol (50 ml to 1 liter of brandy) and kept in a warm place for 3-5 days.

Brandy stored in closed bottles and in a cool place.

Apple brandy. Apples and sour-sweet varieties (Antonovka, Wales and others) are cut into small share, spread on baking sheet and slightly podvyalit in the oven for 4-5 hours. After that, pour the apples in a bottle with a wide neck, pour vodka and insist treated for 5-6 weeks in a warm place, shaking the contents. Furthermore spend 2-3 pumping. After that sweetened brandy (100-150 grams of sugar per 1 liter of brandy) and left for storage.

Kalinovka. Mature viburnum separated from combs and rinse in cold water, then pat dry and pour into the bottle, filling 2/3 volume, and pour purified strong vodka. Add sugar (100-150 g per 1 L) and flavors - berry raspberry infusion. Brandy insist 5-6 weeks, often spend pumping, then brandy is ready to eat.

Infusion of gooseberry. Gooseberries are cleaned, washed and poured into the bottle, filling half the amount, and pour alcohol (70 °) so that the berries were covered by 1-2 cm, and insist 3-4 weeks. Then add a little raspberry (200 g to 1 kg), and insist for another 5-7 days. After that brandy is poured, filtered and allowed to stand. Brandy removed from the sediment and bottled for storage. This liqueur has a 22-32% v / v alcohol. 3-5% sugar and 0.5-0.6% acid, pleasant taste and aroma.

Slivyanka. Ripe plum sweet varieties cut and remove the seeds, pour into a bottle and pour a strong vodka, add the sugar and spice (mixture number 1 2 tsp. Per 1 liter) and insist 4-6 weeks. Spend 4.3 express and after ripening fruit liqueurs drain and let stand, then remove from the sediment, pour into bottles and store in a cool place.

Currant liqueur. Ripe black currant podvyalit in the oven and pour into a bottle. fill half the volume. Pour berries strong vodka so that berries are completely covered, leave in a warm place, shaking the contents of the bottle.

Infuse for 4 weeks, with 4.3 to pumping. Then drain, add the sugar syrup 300 ml to 1 liter infusion and infuse for 5-7 days. After this liqueur is ready for use.

Rowan liqueur. Rowan berries to harvest after frost, sort, wash in warm water and dry. Then sprinkle on baking sheet and slightly podvyalit in an oven or furnace cool to the point that shriveled berries, but did not become solid. Pour the berries into the bottle, filling 23 of the treated and pour vodka so strong. that berries are completely covered, leave for 2 months, shaking occasionally. A 2-3 pumping and after vozrevaniya liqueur drained and sweeten (100-120 grams of sugar per 1 kg of fruit liqueurs). Ready liqueur contains 32-35% by volume. alcohol, palatable and can be stored for a long time.

Berry liqueur. Select an equal number of berries of various kinds: cherries, black currants, raspberries. Wash and dry the berries podvyalit in the oven. Then pour into a bottle, how many come in, pour strong vodka and infuse for 4-5 weeks. During the infusion of 3.4 to pumping, then drained and filtered. Then add the sugar syrup to taste and let stand another 2 weeks. The finished brandy stored in the usual way in a cool place.

Infusion of the jam. Cook ordinary jam or take ready, but take lots of water. When the jam is ready, it is poured vodka (1 liter per 400 ml of jam) and give the brew for 5-8 days. After liqueur infusions, drink carefully poured into another container and allowed to stand, then, if a precipitate brandy carefully removed from the sediment and stored in the usual way.

This kind of good brandy made from cherries, black currants, raspberries, plums.

Need to drink in moderation physical ability, not financial!

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