Wednesday 21 November 2012

Cocktail Orgasm

Composition cocktail Orgasm :

liquor "Bailey" - 30 ml
liquor "Cointreau" - 30 ml
liquor "Grand Marnier" - 20 ml

Technology cocktail preparation orgasm :

In a shaker with ice, pour all the ingredients. Shake well and pour into a large glass of low (old-fashioned) with ice. Decorate with a cocktail cherry.

Cocktail Orgasm ... passionate, screaming the name corresponds to your cocktail, explosive, daring, intoxicating. This drink is so popular that the International Bartenders Association has made it to the list of the top cocktail world. Give yourself pleasure: try Orgasm, prepared by the classical.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Claudius Galen


Gin - 20 ml
Sambuca banana - 30 ml
Campari - 30 ml
Tonic - 100 ml
Orange - 10 gr
Cocktail cherry red - 5 gr
Ice cubes - 160 g

How to prepare cocktail Claudius Galen:

1. Fill a tumbler with ice cubes.
2. Pour 30 ml Campari, gin 20 ml and 30 ml sambuca banana.
3. Top up with tonic top.
4. Gently stir with a cocktail spoon.
5. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and orange peel on a skewer.

Friday 16 November 2012

Blue Lagoon

The origin of this cocktail, like many others, is not known, according to one version it was invented by Andy MakElhon - the son of the owner of the first cocktail bar in Europe, on the other - the famous painter Paul Gauguin. But no matter who came up with, he created a wonderful refreshing drink, reminiscent of a gentle summer sea. Cocktail refreshes, restores strength and refreshing, in general, creates a feeling of rest somewhere on the coast.


crushed ice
60 ml vodka
30 ml of liquor «Blue Curacao»,
20 ml lime juice,
80-150 ml soda

Cocktails Blue Lagoon:

In a shaker, combine ice, vodka, liqueur and lime juice. Pour the mixture into highball glass, top up with soda water and garnish with a slice of lime, straw and umbrella.

White Russian

The ingredients for a cocktail "White Russian":

Coffee liqueur (Kahlua) 30 ml.
Vodka60 ml.
Slivki15 ml.

Cocktail recipe "White Russian":

White Russian is prepared the same way as the Black Russian, except for the fact that the White Russian creamed.

Set in Old fashion ice, then pour it into the vodka, coffee liqueur and cream.

White Russian cocktail is ready!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Tequila Sunrise


30 ml tequila
5 ml of pomegranate syrup, orange juice (preferably fresh) in sufficient quantity

Preparation and serving:

Prepare a batch container, put it in a pre-ice. To make the drink more glamorous looks, first add a tequila orange juice, and then pour in the inner wall of the cup grenadine. It is desirable to apply a very cold cocktail.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Cocktail "Coconut"

The products:

Malibu liqueur 20 ml
ice cream 100 g
Milk 100 ml
rum 10 ml

Method of preparation:

All the ingredients are whipped in a blender, pour into a glass of Hurricane. Before serving, garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cocktail of thin strips of orange peel.

Monday 12 November 2012

Blue mojito

Ingredients for Blue Mojito:

rum - 50 ml
blue liqueur - 25 ml
Mint - 6 leaves
ice cubes - 3-4 pieces.

Method of preparation of blue mojito

Put the pieces of mint in a glass with ice. Pour the rum and liqueur. All well mixed. Blue Mojito ready!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Cocktail "Drunk cherry"

"Drunk Cherry" - a cocktail for the sweet tooth


Sweet cherry liqueur or brandy

Orange or pineapple juice

ice cream


In a glass pour 100g of cherry liqueur, add the juice and dessert spoon of vanilla ice cream. Ice cream foam settles nicely on the surface of the glass. It turns out very sweet and incredibly delicious cocktail.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Aztec cocktail

Ingredients (composition)

45 millilitrovlegky rum
30 millilitrovliker Kahlua
30 millilitrovliker Creme de Cacao
5 kapelliker Curacao
5 kubikovled
Servings: 1

How to prepare?

Aztec - a very intriguing title for an ordinary cocktail. Indeed, in the mix there is nothing ordinary. Cook time cocktail Azteca is not a secret and quite simple, but the taste, acquired as a result of the mixing of elements is simply stunning.

So, we will dwell upon components. Cocktail consisting of 45 ml light rum, 30ml Kahlua (Kahlua) - this famous Mexican liquor, 30 ml liqueur-cream under the convoluted name Creme de Cacao (Creme de Cacao). It remains to add to the composition of a few drops of liquor Curacao (Curacao) - not more than 5. These ingredients are mixed thoroughly in a shaker, add ice to advance.

After mixing all the components of a cocktail recipe Aztec filtered into a glass and immediately served, which is important for the full perception of its delicious taste. Many tips and Aztec drink fast, but here everyone chooses - because judging by the composition of the cocktail is pretty strong.

And a little bit of history. Aztec - representatives of the people who inhabited the territory of Mexico in the sixteenth century. Some people believe that this drink got its unusual name because of his passionate primitive taste. Aztec passion ... Why not?

Friday 9 November 2012

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre cocktail Ingredients:

- 50-60 ml white or golden rum
- Juice of half a lime
- 2/3 of Coca-Cola
This is one of the most well-known and frequently used beverage in the world. Cocktail Free Cuba appeared in 1900 in Havana. American soldiers have mixed Cuban rum and cola while toast for a Free Cuba «Viva la Cuba libre» ie "Long live a free Cuba."

Cocktails Cuba Libre 

Cuba Libre cocktail prepared directly in the middle tumbler, filled with crushed ice, pour all the ingredients which, first there is a rum, further squeezing half a lime and fill with Coca Cola. After that, add salt and mix drink with erasure or tubules. Be the last one in the glass as a decoration.
One of them in the United States: Cuba Libre Supreme (Cuba Libre excellent). Prepared as follows: mix right in the tumbler, filled with crushed ice, 40-50 ml of Southern Comfort and the juice of half a lime. Add salt and mix with erasure.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Cocktail Punch Tonga

White rum - 60 ml
Orange juice - 45 ml
Lemon juice - 20 ml
Orange Curacao liqueur - 15 ml
Lime juice - 7 ml
Grenadine syrup - 7 ml
Crushed ice - 1 cup

1. Beat in a blender
2. Pour into a glass
3. Decorate with mint and zest

You must have:
Highball, Giguere, Blender.

Margarita Cocktail

composition Margarita:

50 ml tequila;
20 ml liqueur De Kuyper Triple Sec;
25 ml lime juice;
1 teaspoon of powdered sugar.
For decoration: ring lime.

Recipe for Margarita:

1. Pour tequila, liqueur and juice in a shaker.
2. Put to the same powdered sugar.
3. Add ice and blend.
4. Strain into a martini glass rimmed with salt.
5. Decorate with lime ring.

Wednesday 7 November 2012


Cocktail recipe Barracuda


30 ml white rum
20 ml of the Italian liqueur "Galliano"
30 ml pineapple juice
10ml lemon juice
10ml sugar syrup
100ml ice champagne
Cocktail Barracuda was one of the first established family drinks "Sparkling". Initially, in the first edition was recommended to serve a glass-flute or glass of asti, but then decided to give way to a more comfortable and roomy tumbler. However, in some cocktail bars in Europe, and to this day are served in a glass "Asti".
Beverage consumed at any time of day.

Preparation Barracuda

In a shaker with ice cubes Beat at high speed all the ingredients except champagne. Then filtering the liquid to come before tumbler with ice. Then top up with cold champagne. Cocktail can decorate with a slice of lemon, cherry and red tubes

Options Cocktail

There is an interesting option, which involves adding to the above composition whipped pineapple pulp. And there is no sugar syrup and is preparing a drink without filtration. As glass is used pineapple, peeled the flesh from the inside. Such an option is a cocktail creates a pleasant atmosphere, and adds the pleasure of its consumption.

Cocktail "Paradise"

The composition of the cocktail:

- Dark Rum "Myers's Dark Rut" (30 ml.)

- Peach liqueur "Peach Schnapps" (30 ml.)
- Pomegranate Syrup (7 ml.)
- Pineapple juice (120 ml.

Glassware: Glass Collins.

Technology of preparation: Mix in a glass all but pomegranate syrup with ice and stir. Top pour grenadine.

Cocktail "Love Balm"

Cocktail Ingredients (10 servings):
- Brandy (90 ml.)
- Liquor "Surasao" (60 ml.)
- Lemon juice (2 tbsp. L.).
- Strong cider (1 l.)
- Soda (1 l.)
- Lemon (1 pc.)
- Sugar ('30).

Glassware: Glass goblets.

Technology of preparation: Dissolve sugar in the lemon juice, add the lemon rind, alcoholic beverages and hard cider, stir well and chill. Pour into glasses. Before serving, add ice cubes and soda water.

Cocktail "Hawaiian"

Cocktail Ingredients (16 servings):

- Rum (500 ml.)
- Brandy (500 ml.)
- Champagne (4 bottles.)
- Liquor "Surasao" (120 ml.)
- Liquor "Maraschino" (120 ml.)
- Lemon juice (500 ml.)
- Powdered sugar (3 cups.)
- Pineapples (3 pcs.).

Utensils: bowl of punch.

Technology of preparation: To reach the pulp and pineapple, cut it, mix with sugar and put in four hours. Add everything except the champagne, good place and put on the night. Pour into bowls. Before serving, pour the champagne, stir and put the pieces of ice.

Girlfriend gankstera

The composition of the cocktail:

- Gene (30 ml.)
- Orange Balsam (Orange Bitters) (3-5 drops.)
- Liquor "Sloe Gin" (30 ml.)
- Dry vermouth (30 ml.).


Glass cocktail shaker.

Technology of preparation of cocktails Girlfriend gankstera:

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice and stir well. Strain into a glass and serve immediately.

Cocktail "Temptation"

The composition of the cocktail:

- Anisette "Anis" (1 tsp)
- Liquor "Triple Sec" (1/2 tsp)
- Wine "Dubonnet" (1/2 tsp)
- Whiskey (45 ml.).

Glassware: Cocktail glass, a shaker.

Garnish: Lemon (1 twist.), Orange (1 twist.).

Technology Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice and stir well. Strain into a glass and serve immediately, garnished, decorating icing, lemon and an umbrella.

Cocktail "Manhattan"

The composition of the cocktail:

- Bourbon (40 ml.)
- Spirit angostura (2-3 drops.)
- Red vermouth (20 ml.).


Glass cocktail shaker.


Cherry (1 pc.), Lemon (1 couscous.)

Technology of preparation: All inridienty Stir with ice in a shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry on a skewer and sprinkle with a slice of lemon peel.

Pineapple Apple

Strong and juicy cocktail pyanyasche seem tasty, but definitely make a good feeling inside ... Cocktail was invented in 1995 in Alma-Ata, the master class for bartenders.


cocktail glass


40 ml cognac
20 ml of sugar syrup
10 ml lime juice
40 g seedless grapes
40 g of pineapple
apple slices for decoration


Mash the muddler in a shaker two slices of pineapple and grapes 8. Pour the sugar syrup, lime juice, cognac and beat well. Filter into a cocktail glass through a strainer, garnish slices yablo

Absinthe without leave

During the Second Empire (the era of Napoleon III) absinthe is a defining feature of life in Paris. Power in the hands of the bourgeoisie was marked by widespread custom of drinking absinthe "without permission" - ritual without demand finishing time and passing in the evening mood.


empty cafe
cocktail spoon


20 ml Absinthe
20 ml liqueur Baileys (Bailey)
20ml green apple liqueur

Pour into a glass empty café 20 ml apple liqueur. Using the cocktail spoon, put a layer of Bayliss and a layer of absinthe.



Ice in kubikah5 pc

Grenadin5 ml
Limona20 ml juice
Rum svetlyy45 ml

Cocktail recipe "Bacardi":

Fill the shaker with ice cubes
Pour 45 ml white rum Bacardi, 5 ml Grenadine syrup and squeeze 2 lemon slices
Quickly whisk all ingredients
Pour through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass
Bacardi cocktail ready

Harvey Wallbanger

Size and strength: Long Drinks
Time use: Any time (Any Time Drinks)

45 ml vodka
15 ml liqueur Galliano
90 ml of orange juice
Decoration: orange and cherry


Size and strength: Long Drinks
Time use: Any time (Any Time Drinks)

30 ml vodka
60 ml of cold beef broth
10 ml fresh lemon juice
Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco, salt and pepper - to taste


Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 24.0%
40 ml vodka
15 ml liqueur Cointreau
15 ml lime juice
30 ml of cranberry juice

Salty Dog

Size and strength: Long Drinks
Time use: Any time (Any Time Drinks)

40 ml vodka
100 ml of grapefruit juice

Rob Roy

Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 30.0%

45 ml whiskey
25 red vermouth (recommended Martini Rosso)
1 dash Angostura bitters

Garnish: Cherry, orange peel

God Father

Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Digestives
Capacity, ml: 70ml

35 ml of whiskey
35 ml Amaretto

Rusty Nail

Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Digestives
Percentage of alcohol: 40.0%
Capacity, ml: 70ml
45 ml whiskey
25 ml liqueur Drambuie
Garnish: lemon slice

Irish Coffee

Size and strength: Hot Drinks
Time use: Digestives
Percentage of alcohol: 14.0%
40 ml Irish whiskey
80 ml of hot coffee
30 ml cream
1 teaspoon of brown sugar

Dry Martini

Size and strength: Short Drinks (Short Drinks)
Time use: Aperitifs
Gin - part 3
dry white vermouth - Part 1
Garnish: olive or lemon peel

Sex on the Beach

The composition of the cocktail:

- Vodka (15 ml.)

- Liquor "Midori" (15 ml.)
- Liquor "Peach Schnapps" (15 ml.)
- Liquor "Southern Comfort" (15 ml.)
- Cranberry juice (5 ml.)
- Orange juice (5 ml.).

Glassware: A glass, a shaker.

Decoration: umbrella, cherry (1 pc.), A slice of lemon.

Technology of preparation:

Liqueurs and vodka, pour into a cocktail shaker with ice and good vsbit. Strain into a glass, a little splash of cranberry and orange juice and applying


Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 28.0%
Third red vermouth (recommended Martini Rosso)
Third Campari bitters
Third gin (recommended Beefeater)
Garnish: cherry, orange


Size and strength: Long Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 13.0%
5/10 red vermouth (recommended Martini Rosso)
5/10 Campari bitters
Garnish: lemon peel, cherry


Size and strength: Hot Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
4/10 gin
2/10 red vermouth Martini Rosso
2/10 Dry Martini Extra Dry Vermouth
2/10 orange juice.


Size and strength: Short Drinks (Short Drinks)
Time use: Aperitifs
60 ml gin
10ml dry vermouth (recommended Martini Extra Dry)
Garnish: pickled onion.


Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 22.0%
45 ml dry vermouth
15 ml liqueur Cherry Brandy
10 ml kirsch
Garnish: Cherry

Whiskey Sour

Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 20.0%
Capacity, ml: 90ml
3 parts (45 ml) Bourbon whiskey
2 parts (30 ml) fresh lemon juice
1 part (15 ml) of sugar cane syrup
Garnish: cherry, orange slice

Old Fashioned

Size and strength:  Short Drinks

Time use: Aperitifs
Percentage of alcohol: 35.0%
50 ml of whiskey or bourbon
1 small piece of sugar
Dash Angostura bitters 2.3
a few drops of soda
Garnish: cherry, lemon peel

Absinthe Cosmo

Size and strength: Short Drinks
Time use: Any time (Any Time Drinks)
Capacity, ml: 100ml
20 ml Absinthe
40 ml liqueur Cointreau
20 ml of fresh lime juice
20 ml of cranberry juice
1 dash of sugar syrup
Decoration: burnt orange peel

Orange liqueur


Sugar - 225 g
Water - 125 ml
Orange (peel + juice) - 4 pcs.
Vodka - 350 ml
Mint - 1 sprig


1.Sahar miscible with water and bring to a boil.
Give simmer on very low heat for 15-20 minutes. To liquid syrup.

2.C remove the zest of oranges (you can grate, can be cut with a knife, not touching the white part)

3.Vyzhimaem juice.

4.Zakidyvaem zest in sugar syrup.
Pour juice.
Give a boil. Turn off.

5.Daem well cool.
In a slightly warm syrup pour vodka.
We throw a few mint leaves.

6.Zakryvaem cover and insist 12 hours.
When the infusion, filter.

7.Razlivaem orange liqueur into bottles (or drink straight from the pan :)
For a fresh taste, place a sprig of mint directly into the bottle.

8.Vse! Orange liqueur can be donated, drink, or simply admire.

Homemade mojito

Pumping scheme media approaches to 9 every day:
Homemade Mojito - perfect sweet cocktail flavored juice of ripe peaches and fresh mint. Mojito for home you can use any fruit.

Ingredients for 10 servings:

1 kg of large peaches
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
1 cup fresh lime juice
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
2 cups white rum or vodka
4 cups sparkling mineral water
crushed ice
sprigs of fresh mint to decorate

Method of preparation:

1. Peel the peaches, remove the seeds and grind in a blender until smooth. The resulting puree rub through a sieve to remove large pieces;

2. Mix the grated lemon peel, lime juice, sugar and mint in a separate bowl. Thoroughly mash the ingredients with a wooden spoon or a mortar. This is necessary to mint and lemon gave their essential oils and bought fresh mojito flavor;

3. Add the pureed peaches, rum or vodka, stir to dissolve the sugar. Add mineral water and mix again;

4. Pour into a container homemade mojitos in which it will be applied. Ice crush. Serve mojito with ice and mint leaves.

Nutritional value per serving of alcoholic drink: 186 calories, 0.6 g protein, 21.6 g carbohydrates