Saturday 10 November 2012

Aztec cocktail

Ingredients (composition)

45 millilitrovlegky rum
30 millilitrovliker Kahlua
30 millilitrovliker Creme de Cacao
5 kapelliker Curacao
5 kubikovled
Servings: 1

How to prepare?

Aztec - a very intriguing title for an ordinary cocktail. Indeed, in the mix there is nothing ordinary. Cook time cocktail Azteca is not a secret and quite simple, but the taste, acquired as a result of the mixing of elements is simply stunning.

So, we will dwell upon components. Cocktail consisting of 45 ml light rum, 30ml Kahlua (Kahlua) - this famous Mexican liquor, 30 ml liqueur-cream under the convoluted name Creme de Cacao (Creme de Cacao). It remains to add to the composition of a few drops of liquor Curacao (Curacao) - not more than 5. These ingredients are mixed thoroughly in a shaker, add ice to advance.

After mixing all the components of a cocktail recipe Aztec filtered into a glass and immediately served, which is important for the full perception of its delicious taste. Many tips and Aztec drink fast, but here everyone chooses - because judging by the composition of the cocktail is pretty strong.

And a little bit of history. Aztec - representatives of the people who inhabited the territory of Mexico in the sixteenth century. Some people believe that this drink got its unusual name because of his passionate primitive taste. Aztec passion ... Why not?


  1. Спасибо попробую обязательно

  2. интересный рецепт надо попробовать и сделать сюрприз жене

  3. Попробовал сделать. Получился идеальный коктейль. Спасибо большое за рецепт! =)
