Wednesday 7 November 2012

Orange liqueur


Sugar - 225 g
Water - 125 ml
Orange (peel + juice) - 4 pcs.
Vodka - 350 ml
Mint - 1 sprig


1.Sahar miscible with water and bring to a boil.
Give simmer on very low heat for 15-20 minutes. To liquid syrup.

2.C remove the zest of oranges (you can grate, can be cut with a knife, not touching the white part)

3.Vyzhimaem juice.

4.Zakidyvaem zest in sugar syrup.
Pour juice.
Give a boil. Turn off.

5.Daem well cool.
In a slightly warm syrup pour vodka.
We throw a few mint leaves.

6.Zakryvaem cover and insist 12 hours.
When the infusion, filter.

7.Razlivaem orange liqueur into bottles (or drink straight from the pan :)
For a fresh taste, place a sprig of mint directly into the bottle.

8.Vse! Orange liqueur can be donated, drink, or simply admire.

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