Friday 9 November 2012

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre cocktail Ingredients:

- 50-60 ml white or golden rum
- Juice of half a lime
- 2/3 of Coca-Cola
This is one of the most well-known and frequently used beverage in the world. Cocktail Free Cuba appeared in 1900 in Havana. American soldiers have mixed Cuban rum and cola while toast for a Free Cuba «Viva la Cuba libre» ie "Long live a free Cuba."

Cocktails Cuba Libre 

Cuba Libre cocktail prepared directly in the middle tumbler, filled with crushed ice, pour all the ingredients which, first there is a rum, further squeezing half a lime and fill with Coca Cola. After that, add salt and mix drink with erasure or tubules. Be the last one in the glass as a decoration.
One of them in the United States: Cuba Libre Supreme (Cuba Libre excellent). Prepared as follows: mix right in the tumbler, filled with crushed ice, 40-50 ml of Southern Comfort and the juice of half a lime. Add salt and mix with erasure.

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