Wednesday 7 November 2012

Cocktail "Love Balm"

Cocktail Ingredients (10 servings):
- Brandy (90 ml.)
- Liquor "Surasao" (60 ml.)
- Lemon juice (2 tbsp. L.).
- Strong cider (1 l.)
- Soda (1 l.)
- Lemon (1 pc.)
- Sugar ('30).

Glassware: Glass goblets.

Technology of preparation: Dissolve sugar in the lemon juice, add the lemon rind, alcoholic beverages and hard cider, stir well and chill. Pour into glasses. Before serving, add ice cubes and soda water.

1 comment:

  1. Очень нежный коктейль и так красиво оформлен!Корица очень подходит для украшения этого коктейля.
